Chapter 8: Do you think I'm stupid?

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(This is a small chapter))

I was in the library just sitting with Mattheo again. I've been doing this the past week. I've just been trying to get him warmed up and I think it's working. He's answered a few of my small questions. Today I'm gonna take a shot at asking a bigger question. First I need to ask for homework help.... 

"Ok, so I need help on Charms homework... AGAIN!"  I lie

"Dude, you've got to be kidding me." 

To be honest, this past week, we've been arguing over stupid things. I've learned ONE thing we have in common. Liars break us. Well he lashes out in anger, I get upset and feel betrayed. I'm sure he does too, he just doesn't feel the need to hide his anger. So it makes me feel even worse that I am lying to him right now, having seemingly good intentions. I mean he is kind of a horrible person but I still feel horrible.  

Mattheo's POV: 

Again with the fake homework help questions I thought. I know for a fact she knows these because I saw her use a lot of them before. She's been asking me small questions, I've been answering them. If she didn't already do this before I would've said her plan's being executed perfectly. 

I don't want to believe that she's lying. I don't like being lied to. It makes me question everything. That's something we have in common and that we enjoy ranting about. But somehow, I can feel the guilt from a mile away. I'm trying not to go over my breaking point, but I'm afraid that the next big thing will push me over the edge. 

Back to Snow's POV:   

**Cringe warning**

"Ok, so the question here is about the Geminio spell? What does it do again?" I ask innocently. 

We were sitting in the back of the library so we could speak pretty loudly without getting noticed. Which is a good thing because the next thing Mattheo does is push my backpack harshly off the table. 

"Do you think I'm stupid?" he asks. 

"Wh-what do you mean? I'm literally just asking you a question for homework." 

He stood up quickly. "Snow, you used this exact spell to WIN the first task of the triwizard tournament, don't you dare pull that bullshit with me. I've been waiting for a few days, humoring you, waiting to find your ulterior motive, WAITING, to prove that I'm not being fooled again, WAITING, hoping that I'm not being LIED to AGAIN! Snow, what is it that you really want. You want to know about my involvement with the tournament, I've heard you talk about it with your friends. I thought you understood how I felt about this."  

"You know what?" I say, standing up too

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"You know what?" I say, standing up too. " Maybe I was doing it for that. I don't think I did anything in the wrong." I start gathering my things and turning away. I got really scared for the first time around him when he harshly grabs my wrist to face him. His eyes are boiling with anger and it's scaring me. I see pure rage.  

"I gave you a 2nd chance. That in itself is a blessing for you. I let you win the duel and humiliate me. I LET A POTTER TALK TO ME LIKE I AM INFERIOR TO THEM! I let myself get lied to. You did the worst thing someone could ever possibly do to me. You are evil. You know, I know you Potters are worried about turning into Voldemort, well I've got news for you sweetheart, this was the beginning stage of Tom Riddle being Lord Voldemort. He lied for his personal gain, he lied to his friends and family, he kept to himself, he made others do his dirty work, he manipulated others. You are everything Tom was when he was becoming Voldemort and you know it." The pain of him holding my wrist didn't hurt anymore. It was his words. His words cut deeper than a knife. He lets go. 

 I don't see anger in his eyes anymore. It turns into hurt and pain, and it hurts more knowing I caused that pain.

Thanks for reading. It was a short chapter, but honestly, I'm lowkey proud of it lol. Please vote if you feel like it. What do you think is gonna happen next between Mattheo and Snow? 

Word count:733

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