Chapter 33: In this situation again

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Before I write this chapter, I feel like I should say a HUUUUUUUUGE thank you for 1 thousand reads! It's been exactly ONE month since I published this book so thank you so much for all your support and for reading as well! For a special, I'm going to release the next chapter that will be in Mattheo's POV ;) 

"You're sick Loren. Get some help." His smile dropped as he rolled his eyes and turned around. If I'm being honest, as much as I know he's a sick, vile person, I also know him killing people without knowing what he was doing must have taken a toll on him. "Look Loren." I step closer to him and make him face me. "You don't have to do this. You lost control, you had power you couldn't control. That isn't your fault. But all of this." I motion around us. "This will be a horrible thing that you would've done if you choose to do this. You're sadistic, not dumb, and I know you know better than thinking magic will bring back the dead. You think I wouldn't have tried to bring back my parents by now if that were the case? Or someone else may have tried?" 

He doesn't say anything. He stays silent, and just looks at me, listening. 

"The ingredients, herbs, whatever you're doing, it won't bring back anyone. It will just cause havoc all around Hogwarts. I know it's difficult but you're going to have to learn to live with your guilt, and then you can finally heal. You can move on." Despite my hate for him, I feel pity and give him a calming smile.   

"But... but I don't want to." A tear drops from one of his eyes, he sounds like a tiny child, who just wants to be in the arms of their mother after being bullied. It reminds of the quote, broken, not evil.  

"I know. I know you don't want to accept that something horrible but happened to you. But trust me, this isn't the way to cope. HURTING other people isn't the way to cope. I can help you. I can teach you forgiveness. People do forgive. Do you think your friends would be proud of what you're doing right now?" My small hands grip the sides of his face, rubbing my thumb over his jaw. 

"Please Loren. You can take it one step at a time." 

"I- I'm sorry I hurt you. I don't know what's wrong with me I-" He hung his head, as if in shame. 

"Uh... it, it's fine. We can take a small step." I slowly stepped away from him. "I'll just take these herbs so you're not tempted too-" 

"NO!" Soft Loren was gone and was replaced by the psychopath Loren, and here I was, in this situation again. I took out my wand but it was too late as he was already in front of me. He snatched my wand and herbs from my hand, rendering be defenseless. I tried to back away and run but he caught me by my arm before I could. He pulled me along with him, closer to the fire, despite my attempts to stop him. "Loren, PLEASE, stop. I thought you  that you wouldn't do this again?" He grabs me by my shoulders and sits me beside him, facing him. 

"Don't give hope to a psychopath and be shocked when they crush it."  

"Why do you always taking my fucking wand from me. Don't you know how to duel?" 

"Oh I do. But believe me, I do not feel like getting man handled by a Potter. You don't fool me, I know what you can do." 

My breath was raggedy. We sat in silence as he stared at the cauldron with a creepy smile on his face. I tried standing to leave but before I was even fully standing he pulled me back down next to him. Gripping me tightly by my left wrist.  

"Loren, let me go." I try pulling out my wrist but it's pointless. 

"No, do stay. We can discuss and catch up on SO many things."  He was speaking to me as if we were old friends.  "So tell me, how's you boyfriend? Have you had sex yet? Vanilla? Kinky? Did he-" 

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