Chapter 10: Detention

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 Revenge, don't let him get away with it.  That was the only thing that rang in my mind as I thought about Tyler's actions. He wasn't getting away with all the shit he had done this time.   

I was in potions the next day, brewing a random invisibility potion after taking 15 minute boring notes. I finished brewing the potions when I heard Draco sniggering about Harry. this wasn't anything new, but considering I've already been pissed off by what's been happening the past few days, I snapped. Which I immediately knew was a bad move when I turned around to see Snape giving me his infamous death glare.   

"Detention for you, Miss Potter

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"Detention for you, Miss Potter. In my class, evening time. No questions asked." He had the gift of being extremely quiet yet still being scary. I simply rolled my eyes and went back to my potion. 

"And 5 points will be taken from Gryffindor from you Miss Potter." He turned away after that. 

Fantastic. I thought. Just what I need to piss me off further.  I still haven't told Harry about many things, adding onto my guilt, and I hadn't apologized to Mattheo Riddle yet either, and I still needed to get my revenge on Tyler, which I planned to do tonight. It was an evil plan, one I knew would change me forever, but I was acting off of impulse, not logic. 

Later that evening... 

I walked into Snape's classroom and saw a tall guy standing next to Snape. 

" Snow, good to see you decided to come. You and Mr.Riddle are to sit there on that table and copy these lines 30 times and then at 9:30 P.M, you may leave." 

"Can I just sit somewhere else.." I ask. 


"But-" Before I could continue however, the look on Snape's face told me if I said another word, I would face hell. 

I groaned and reluctantly made my way over to the desk. Mattheo slowly came after that and sat next to me, scooching over slightly to the right to be as far away from me as possible.   

I started writing and luckily I'm a quick writer but it was only nine o'clock and I couldn't leave until 9:30. Snape wasn't in the room, he never is. I decided to use this opportunity to leave. I needed to get my revenge on Tyler, and I knew exactly where he'd be at this time.  

I stood up, put my paper on Snape's desk and went up to the door, Unsurprisingly, it was locked. All the spells I tried didn't work. 

"Will you stop with the stupid spells already. Snape spelled it so that no one can get out until 9:30." 

"Well sorry Mattheo, but I have something REALLY important to do and I'd rather not miss it." If I've been paying attention, I would've known my voice had a sense of urgency and anger to it. 

Mattheo raised his eyebrow.  

**Possibly cringe content coming forward** 

"Well if you want to get out so bad, then you're lucky to be in the room with me. I happen to know where the key is." His voice still had anger in it and I knew he was still upset with me, but my apology could wait till later. 

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