Chapter 22: Not like I have anything better to do

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"You.... kissed a guy... at a party," Harry deadpanned. 

"Yup. I screwed up, ok?" 

"Eh. Whatever."

"Wh- whatever?" 

"You're 15. I guess it's fine," Harry said. 

"Who are you and what have you done to Harry?" 

"Don't ruin it."  

"Anyways, I'm going to Hogsmeade today. Wanna come?" I asked. 

"I wish, Ron and I have detention with Snape." 

"For what?" 

"I dunno, and Hermione is going to hang out with Krum." 

"Wait, seriously?" 


"Damn. See you later I guess," I say. 

Once I arrive at Hogsmeade I go around from shop to shop to get random snacks, prank books, food, more food, etc.  

I went to get some butterbeer and snacks and to just sit down. I had to witness some very awkward makeout sessions happening between needy 5th years around me. I look down at my butterbeer before feeling a presence in front of me. 


"Oh. Hi Loren." Act cool, pretend nothing happened last night.  

"Uhm, look, about last night." God damn it. 

"It was just a game, it's not a big deal." 

"It kind of is to me, I felt, something, you know?" 

"Oh-" I didn't know what to say. 

"I think you're a good person Snow, seriously. Plus you seem a bit bored these days." 

" I AM! I've done all this school stuff at my old school last year, and the homework and tests are easy,so I have NOTHING to do."  

"Looking for love?" 

"Oh my god, you're really good with your pick up lines huh?" I could tell this wasn't something he was good out. 

"Yea... not my smoothest one. Anyways, uhm.... IF you want, we can get butterbeer tomorrow.... Sunday?" 

"Are you asking me out on a date Loren?" 

"I guess. I mean we're both bored, and I mean, what do we have to lose?" 

He was right, besides, I could to worse. My thoughts shifted to Mattheo and his reaction for some reason but I managed to brush it off.  

"Damn... that's quick. I mean... sure. Not like I have anything better to do." 

He laughs it off. "Well, see you then." 

"See you Loren." 

Oh fuck. Oh wow. I was hella excited. God damn. 

At the astronomy tower that night.... 

After we got the small talk out of the way, I decided I should tell him. I don't know why, but I felt like I was doing something wrong by telling him. 

"So.... Mattheo." 


" I was at Hogsmeade today and I met Loren there. It was... awkward to say the least."

Immediately I felt him tense up.  

"Uhm... He asked me on a date.... and I said yes." 

"Say what?" 

I didn't know what to say. 

"Snow- A kiss doesn't mean you owe him a date! Plus, you barely know the guy! You have no idea what he's really like." 

"From what I do know, he seems like a sweet, genuine guy! Wh-what's your problem with that?" 

"I told you- the guy's a dickhead." 

"I don't want to assume things ok? I mean, if he is, just cut ties right? No harm in me trying a date at least?" 

"Shouldn't your first date me special? Something meaningful? Like with the right person?"  I couldn't understand. He seemed angry yet jealous. 

"Ok, no need to be jealous." 

"I'm not jealous, I'm just saying you barely know the guy." 

"I was actually excited to tell my friend about going on a date!" 

He quickly calmed himself. 

"Ok fine. I know you're smart, you can make your own decisions. Just... please be careful. You're right, I shouldn't assume things about him."  

Mattheo's POV: 

My heart dropped the moment I heard that Loren asked her on a date. I was worried about what he would do, but I didn't think it would go to this extent. 

It isn't really her fault. She's a teenager, who's just trying to experiment. I was kind of hinting at her big time telling her to go with "the right person," but to be fair, I was really upset at the time and spit whatever came out of my mouth.  

When we said our goodbyes, I quickly apparated to Loren's dorm. Being a Riddle had some advantages, like being able to apparate even inside of Hogwarts. 

"Well hello dear friend! I know exactly why you're here! I have snacks! Let's celebrate the beginning of my amazing love life." 

"Go screw yourself Gray. This is petty and you know it. I don't know what tricks you have got up your sleeve or what charms your gonna try-" 

"I don't have to try though- I have it all naturally." He smiled once again. 

I took everything within me to not punch him. "I swear to god, make one tiny, miniscule, stupid screw up, and you won't have to worry about making the resurrection spell. You better pray to god someone out there cares and tries the potion themselves. Not like you have anyone though. You killed them all." 

He snapped. It wasn't long anyway. He grabbed my neck in chokehold, slamming me into the nearest wall. I smirked, knowing I pressed his buttons. 

"Not very calm now are we Loren?" 

I easily knock him off of me and onto the ground.  

"Stupid move. Watch your back Gray." I resist the urge to kick his side, before doing so anyway. Before I leave, I can't help but think of an action movie with cringe dialogue that me and Loren were saying to each other. I laugh at the thought.  

Thanks for reading! Hope you guys liked this chapter. Kinda short, and yes I know it's sudden but yeah. Also, there are gonna be huge gaps between each task simply just to make more room for other storylines. Please vote, it helps a lot! 

Word count: 969

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