Chapter 5: The Deal

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It was after the school day was done that I really thought about some things. 

1.) I was a total asshole to Harry. He can be annoying but I understood his anger. 

2.) How does Mattheo know about what happened? 

3.) How did Mattheo get admission into this school? 

4.) Is he as bad as old Voldy? 

I want answers. First things first, Harry. I realize how horrible I've been to my friends and brother since I came here. 

In the common room.... 

"Hey Harry...." 

"Oh hi Snow." 

"Look, I hate doing this but, I'm here to apologize for our argument. I was kind of angry about some situation with someone and I took it out on you." 

"Snow, look, I forgive you, I do. But you need to talk to me. It's just us two who we can truly be honest with, and if you can't even do that then we're just going to break." 

"Wow, that's poetic, even for you." Harry chuckles slightly at my words. I sit on the couch next to him and continue talking. 

" I know you feel the responsibility to take care of me, but Harry, I'm 14, you're 15, we both need care. Not just me, you deserve it too. You need to know that." 

Harry looks down and nods. 

" I understand that there are things you don't want to tell me as of now, but just know, I will always tell you my troubles, and I want you to know you can do the same." 

"Thanks Harry. By the way, you are so easy to read. Cho Chang? Seriously? She's-" 

He quickly puts a finger to my lips. 

I laugh and I start chanting, 

"Cho x Harry, Cho x Harry..." I realize my mistake as Harry picks up the pillow and starts chasing after me with amusement on his face. I run until I reach the hallway outside the Gryffindor dorms and stick my tongue out at him. He simply rolls his eyes and goes back inside.  

Ugh, back to reality. Problem one solved. Next mission, talk to Mattheo. 

I walk around aimlessly and I FINALLY find him. 


He looks up and raises an eyebrow in surprise. 


"Here's the deal, I'm very suspicious about a few things going on here. " 

He rolls his eyes. "Of course you are. Here I was expecting an apology." 

"For what? Thinking you kill people and telling you to stay away from me? You are Voldy's son, what were you expecting." 

"Stop calling my father that." 

"How did you get admission here?" I ignore his request. 

"Dumbledore. That bloke made me promise not to cause too much trouble. Plus, father is dead, so what can I do?" 

"Pfft.. Ok fine. Well I want to make a deal with you. Stop messing around with my brother. Stop being an ass. Prove that you're not as bad as I think you are and maybe we can have a happy neutral, and answer my questions. Believe me, the last thing I want is drama and here I am creating it."  

He smirks. " I have one small request to add to the deal." 

"Which is..." 

"No more calling my dad Old Voldy, it's weird. Or any other names for that matter." 

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