Chapter 23: Sure

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I was getting ready for the date. Obviously Harry threw a temper tantrum before calming down to a normal state. If I'm being honest, him asking me on a date was really sudden, but to be honest, he was a kind person, and I was excited to go out with him. 

I thought that drinking butterbeer didn't really call for a fancy dress, plus the only fancy one I had was the one from the Yule Ball, no thank you. Finally, after going through all my clothes, which were sweatpants and hoodies, I found my only pair of jeans and a decent t-shirt. 

I didn't have a purse or anything so I just put on some black shoes and left

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I didn't have a purse or anything so I just put on some black shoes and left.  

He was there when I got there and he simply waved me over with his smile. It wasn't a smirk or anything, but just a casual, sweet smile. It was nice. I had no idea how this would go to be honest. I was feeling kind of weird, knowing how sudden this was, but surprisingly we had a lot to talk about. No joke though, it started off HELLA awkward. 

"So uh.... you want butterbeer?" Loren seemed unsure of what to say. 

"Yeah! I'd love that. I can pay also uh-" 

"Oh no no no. I asked for the date so I think it's fair I pay." He seemed flustered when I offered to pay. 

"You sure? We can always split it-" 

"No no don't worry about it." 

While we waited for the butterbeer he finally admitted that dating was not my thing. 

"Look I'm sorry. I've gone on dates before but I'm not really good at that stuff. I'm just hella awkward and smile weirdly most of the time." 

"Well I think you're off to a great start Mr.Gray. Plus, I think your smile is adorable. Nothing to be ashamed of."  

"Huh, I see. Well I know you went to school in the US, I went to school in Kentucky, you?" 

"There is a school for witchcraft and wizardry in Kentucky?" 

"Yeah! I mean there are three main schools in the US." 

"I had no idea!  I went to the one in New York then I guess." 

"I've always wanted to go there. I heard it's freezing all year long and that everything is expensive. Is that true?" 

"Well, it's pretty nice until winter, which, yes, then it's freezing. But honestly, other then that, if you know where to go, you can get things pretty cheap." 

We began just talking about our school. It seemed like he had a very interesting school life an a high interest for potions.  

"What do you plan to do once you finish your education?" 

His question stumped me. I never thought that far ahead. I guess during school, my only thoughts would revolve around Tyler, and if he would allow me survive until the next day. 

"I actually have... no idea. I never thought that far." 

"Well you could always work at Hogwarts. You'd do amazing." He seemed genuinely honest.  

"Thanks, but I'm pretty sure I'd scare all the first years away on my first day." 

He laughs as if I said something really funny, though to be honest, I was starting to think he laughed out of pity. 

"What about you?" 

"pOtiOnS mAsteR."  He wiggles his fingers like a crazy man in front of me. 

He seemed to be joking around. 

"Oh really?" I lean more forward on my elbows and I notice him, as if to humor me, lean in too. 

"You don't think you could do a good job?" 

"I have no idea. I think I need to be good at chemistry... Something I'm not very good at..." 

"Hm....." We both suddenly fall back in my chair laughing. 

"I have, NO idea how couples do that without laughing their ass off. Honestly Snow, it shocks me." He seemed to be genuinely moved by this. 

"For real!" 

Honestly, it was nice to keep on talking to him. We have way more in common than I thought.   

In fact, our original plan was to walk back to Hogwarts individually, but we decided to walk back together. I would say it went pretty well. I'm so gonna shove this into Harry's face! 

Mattheo's POV: 

I don't trust Loren around ANYONE! Especially after considering his promise to hurt someone. So guess where I was when he was one a date with a lovely person? In the table right in front of his eyes, to let him know, I am watching his every move. 

He noticed me. Which only seemed to encourage his thoughts of being extra flirtatious. I swear he was doing it on purpose. I almost was about to stand up when he was sending me the eye every few minutes. Snow was completely oblivious and iN loVe and they almost kissed, which was so fucking annoying and cringey. AND THEN THEY LEFT TOGETHER! 

Snow's POV: 

It's been two weeks and me and Loren have been going on many dates. I don't want to be vain or anything, but I think things are going great between us. We have so much in common and understand each other so much! 

Today was fun though. We were on the edge of the lake and he was trying to convince me to ditch the astronomy tower and try to explore the forbidden forest with him. To be honest, I really did want to explore it, so I said soon. I don't know what happened but we both somehow ended up in the black lake, swimming. I'm pretty sure that idiot pushed me in. 

"So this is what people do here on the weekend?" I yelled this out at him. 

"Yup! And so can we! " In the moment of euphoria and stupidity, he asked, " WANNA BE MY GIRLFRIEND!" 


We both laughed before catching each other in a kiss. It was so weird, but it felt nice at the same time. I was kissing a boy on my OWN terms. Damn Harry would hate to hear that.  

"God, fuck you, the water has me all wet." 

"You sure it's only the water?" 

"OH FUCK YOU!" I slap his arm away. 

"You'd love too." 

"Way too cheesy dude." 

"I tried." 

I remember telling Mattheo about this situation but he seemed bored the whole time. It's as if he didn't care. 

"Ok I'm leaving." 

"Seriously Snow?" 

"What Mattheo! It looks like you barely give a fuck about my life. You are just so full of yourself." 

"Well I'm sorry if I don't wanna hear about your love life. Guys don't like hearing about their friends love lifes."  

"Ron doesn't care! You're just being a stuck up man child." 

"Ok ok fine sorry sweetheart." 

"Can you just relax? He's not gonna kill me." 

He didn't respond to this which annoyed me even further. 


"Ok ok fine, sure!" 

"Cool, byeee!" 

He rolled his eyes and went back to his book. 

Thanks for reading! I know... bad chapter... filler chapter yada yada yada. Anyways.. please vote, it helps a lot. 

Word count: 1206 

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