Bonus Chapter (TWO)

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Bonus Chapter (TWO)

Sadhna brushed past the doorway of Singhania mansion, tears dripping from her eyes and her school uniform a total mess. She was most probably playing in mud after the heavy rains during the recess. The maid saw her and came rushing towards her, taking hold of her school bag in her hand.

"Baby, what have you done to yourself? Your mother will scold you for spoiling your uniform again." The maid was telling her as she wiped Sadhna's face with a clean piece of cloth. "You shouldn't have gone out in the rain today."

"I didn't want to stay indoors and waste my time in a boring way." Sadhna muttered loudly. "All my friends were busy playing 'hide and seek' and I joined them. It was so full of fun. I will play again if it rains tomorrow."

"Why don't you listen to us at all, baby?" The maid found it difficult to handle Sadhna and her stubbornness. "If you catch a cold, your doctor mother will lock you up in a room, you see."

"You don't worry about that." Sadhna laughed before opening her tie and throwing it to the ground. "My father will open the door of the locked room for me."

"I can understand your father is spoiling you." The maid shook her head annoyingly and picked up the tie. Holding Sadhna's wrist, she fetched her to the bathroom situated next to the kitchen. "Unless you are cleaned, you mustn't move upstairs or else you will dirty the entire staircase and the other rooms."

"I don't want you to be entirely strict, do you understand?" Sadhna scolded her. "I have no company at home except you. I don't get to play with my father except in the evenings and Sundays, and my mumma- she is busy either scolding me or her patients."

The maid laughed at Sadhna's words and applied the soap on her body. "You are going to be a thirteen years old lady in a few days and you still need to be bathed by someone."

"I can take a bath all by myself." Sadhna caught hold of the mug and poured some water over her. "It is just that I don't feel like doing anything alone."

"Why are you so naughty?" Sapna's sudden shrieking voice reached their ears and Sadhna took a pause while her mother repeated again. "I can sense that the little mouse has returned home dripped in mud and spluttered the entire hallway with the dirt. Where is she?"

Sadhna lowered her voice before whispering into the ear of the maid, "You go to mumma now and try to pacify her. Clean the hallway and cook something for her. I will manage the rest."

"This daughter-mother duo. . ." The maid was shaking her head. "Are you sure you can manage?"

"I will, now you go." As the maid left, Sadhna washed her hands and feet under the shower, without making a noise. Wearing a neat frock that the maid had fetched for her, she moved out of the washroom. "Mumma, why are you shouting after a tiring work at the clinic? You must give some rest to your throat now and freshen up."

"You come to me." Sapna was fuming angrily. "Your father is the one who is responsible for the naughty figure you are turning into. I will have to deal with him first before dealing with you."

"No mumma, I did nothing. The maid was working in the garden and somehow she spluttered mud in our entire bungalow." Sadhna murmured slowly, trying to study her mother's face. "Look at me, I even took a bath after returning home. I look so clean and odour free."

"Come closer, let me have a look." Sapna caught Sadhna by her shoulders and checked on her thoroughly. "What are these dirt marks for, on your neck and behind your ears? Were you also working in the garden?"

"Mumma. . ."

"You should stop lying to me. You will turn thirteen in a week and haven't yet learnt to be a better person." Sapna took the glass jar from the table and poured it onto a table cloth before rubbing it around Sadhna's neck. "Siddharth and I will need to make a decision about your growing up as a well-mannered person. I have been so tired of your naughtiness lately."

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