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A year passed since Mr. Karthik had left the world and the next winter approached very quickly. We hadn't yet overcome from the mourning, his unforgettable memories still racking us. Siddharth, Sadhna and I had permanently shifted to Mr. Karthik's bungalow and Siddharth had signed his own bungalow to Vaibhav's name.

I had wrapped up my clinic at Siliguri and shifted it to Kolkata. Siddharth was promoted to Mr. Karthik's rank as the national security head on the before hand recommendation by Mr. Karthik. Though he had left us, he continued to give us surprises and we were still feeling his presence around us. His blessings were our intangible companion.

We were planning to admit Sadhna in one of the best schools of Kolkata and impart the best education to her. I was practising my profession from home and Siddharth had opened an enormous clinic for me in the outhouse of Mr. Karthik's bungalow.


I stood gazing at the lush green fields of the countryside when Siddharth came and hugged me from behind, kissing the side of my head. "Sapna, we have fulfilled our promise. We had once made a promise to each other that we would visit the countryside together."

He was indeed true. We were here among the green fields not only to admire the beauty of nature, but also to fulfil our dream. Siddharth and I had decided to build an old age home for those people who were leading lives similar to Mr. Karthik, had nobody to look after them and were suffering from different ailments. I had taken the responsibility to visit the Home and treat the patients for free during the weekends.

The inauguration ceremony of the Home commenced in time and we joined the program together. Sadhna was sitting beside us and clapping at everything cheerfully. We were taking new admissions and a number of senior citizens had attended it by themselves or were accompanied by their adult children.

Sadhna walked over to an old man who was seated at the corner of the auditorium and crying over his own fate. Wiping the tears of the man, she asked, "Why are you crying?"

"My children have left me and I am alone..." He was murmuring in a sad tone.

"Why are you crying then? My grandpa was also alone but he said that angels will look after him when he goes to sleep. You will also have angels to look after you when you have no one. He also taught me that the parents who have their children with them, they will keep their parents together like I do." Sadhna lowered her voice before muttering, "But I don't want angels to hide my father again."

The old man was both astonished and impressed by her thoughts. The innocence in her possessed the capability to bring a change in people's hearts only by mere words. Children were like the walking sticks of their parents during their old age and Sadhna was proving the same to us.

The old man asked her, "Who are you? Are you an angel too?"

Upon hearing this, Sadhna rushed outside the auditorium in seconds, tears welled up in her eyes. Siddharth and I followed her behind, quietly watching her distressed situation.

Sadhna was standing below the open sky of the green fields and speaking to the stars in her doleful voice. "Mumma always used to say that angels live among the stars. When will you send my grandpa? I'll have to tell him that I have completed my task and my parents are together. I need a new task again."

I caught hold of Siddharth's arms and he embraced me, our eyes full of emotions. I whispered, "Mr. Karthik has given her an unending task, Siddharth."

Siddharth shook his head. "No Sapna, he only did it to keep our daughter free from the pain and keep us together. When she grows up one day, she will herself understand everything. Nobody is ever taught about life and death from childhood itself, we learn with time."

For the last six months after Mr. Karthik's death, Sadhna was used to talking to the stars daily and would continue doing it until she grew up with all the best qualities imbibed in her.

I was Siddharth's guardian angel, Siddharth was Sadhna's big angel and Sadhna was our little angel.
Amidst all these angelic greetings, there was only one angel who had outshone us.

It was Mr. Karthik!

** THE END **

A/N- We are going to get a sequel to this book in future

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A/N- We are going to get a sequel to this book in future.. Do not miss the bonus chapters that follow this and if you are eager to read the sequel based on grown up Sadhna's love story with all qualities imbibed in her, please do not forget to follow me on wattpad to receive notifications in time...

Coming next week, I'll start writing the second book of the AND series (Based on Sanchi and Vihaan's intense love story) on wattpad. Its first book is already completed and on my profile (Sacrifice and Realisation). It has garnered over 109K+ reads within 8 months since first posted and the second book comes out soon 💕.

So have you learnt the lessons of life after having read this book? I love all my readers 🧡!

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