Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

We formally passed the next couple of days without being much cosy to each other though my heart always wished to run into Siddharth's embrace and kiss him like never before. We had hardly spoken to each other after the horrible incident since I was too upset with him. It was true that Siddharth had broken all ties with Kiran and strictly warned her not to meet him again, but I was yet contemplating to forgive him easily.

It was a bright sunny day when Mr. Karthik gave me a call again. He instructed me to fetch both Siddharth and Mr. Dushyant to the police station. The culprit was finally caught with it's fingerprints on the gun and there wasn't any loophole in the case this time.

Upon reaching the bureau in an hour, I was the first one to talk, "Who made us suffer in the worst way possible?"

I was getting restless to know who the real culprit was. Vaibhav was also presented before us, his head drooping low and wrists handcuffed. Upon Mr. Karthik's instructions, Vikram went to fetch the new and real criminal, and we waited for them to reappear.

"PRATIK?" I was gaping wide, my observant brain had never enlisted him among the suspects.

Mr. Karthik took out the confiscated gun from his drawer and said, "This is the gun which was recovered from Siddharth's bungalow. Interestingly, the gun was in the name of Vikki's but had fingerprints of Pratik on it. Vikki was so far assisting him to kill Siddharth until he died that day."

"This is impossible," Siddharth muttered angrily, glaring at Pratik with rage, his hands caught hold of Pratik's collar. They were very good friends and he probably couldn't believe that it was Pratik who was plotting to kill him. "Why did you do it, Pratik? I want an answer."

Pratik was nervously shaking his legs, not ready to answer Siddharth at all. My husband was losing his calm faster than we could anticipate and he slapped his friend all of a sudden. "PRATIK! How could you stoop so low? What wrong have I done to you? Why did you do it?"

"I wanted to see you dead, Siddharth. I wanted your life to get over so that I could get things I desired for." Pratik yelled, shoving Siddharth's hands off his collar.

I stepped forward, standing adjacent to Siddharth while my eyes fixated on Pratik. "It means you were only pretending to be his good friend in front of me. All your concerns for him were just gimmicks."

"They were in real, Sapna. I was really concerned for him and you," Pratik told me in a flat voice which sounded genuine.

"Will you stop pretending now? You were nurturing a cunning motive up your sleeve for so long," I shouted on the top of my voice.

Pratik shook his head. "I wouldn't have tried killing him if he had distanced himself from Kiran long ago. I was in love with her since our college days but she kept on drooling over Siddharth. I never doubted her until she confessed before us that she possessed romantic feelings for him. She was attracted towards Siddharth for his money and physical..."

Siddharth interrupted him. "So you have tried killing me since then! Why didn't you tell me the truth what Kiran used to feel for me? I could have immediately chastised her."

"I wanted to tell you but you were so friendly to her, you never scolded or asked her to stay away from you. Even if you had ever done that, she wouldn't listen to you. She is a very stubborn girl who will do anything what she aspires for. I was scared you would build a relationship with her if you discovered her attraction for you," Pratik explained and my heart started throbbing rapidly inside my chest.

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