Chapter 36 (His POV) (Blockbuster)

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Chapter 36

**Siddharth's POV**

The heavy rains hadn't yet subsided and there was huge lightening outside, aided by thunderstorms. The night was turning out to be as devastating as my heart was, grievous and cumbersome. The lone kiss we shared hadn't completely quenched my thirst for her and I was wanting more of her.

Though I had stored enough accusations against her, I still loved Sapna immensely. Not even a single day had passed when I'd forgotten about her or shared my love with someone else. I now had my own replica to share my love with and she was our pretty little daughter.

The little angel had suffered from deprivation for all the number of days of her life and she was away from her father's love that she totally deserved. Sapna was ready to deprive her own daughter of her father's love only to give someone else's child the necessary rights it required.

A raven black murkiness spread around me all of a sudden when huge thunderbolts caused powercuts in the entire bungalow. Darkness and death never scared me anymore because I had my love to get sacred of but I didn't have my guardian angel to eliminate my fears.

The winds were gushing speedily and I walked out of my room to light the lamps to the bungalow. While pacing along the length of the balcony, a mushy object collided against me. I caught hold of it and a penumbral figure stared back at me, the candle in it's hands partially illuminating it's heavenly figure and casting a living spell on me again.

"Sapna..." A low groan escaped my lips, the rustling noises outside the windows disturbing us. She was carrying the lighted candle when she dashed against me. We both halted in our positions, nullifying every movement of our limbs.

There was an enormous peal of thundering again and she hastily embraced me. I felt her doughy curve fitting against mine and kept hugging her until she was tranquilized.

My frenzy hands skimmed the dress that she was wearing, my fingers tracing it's way along her curvature and stopping round her waist. Her bare hips answered to my question that she was wearing a saree, most probably a different one because it was dry. The scintilla that she still possessed was managing to pull me towards her and compelling me to be irresistible.

My fingers worked in circular motion over her fluffy cheeks before I cupped her chin. Her moist eyes were sparkling against the dim light of the candle while she seemed to read the expressions on my face. Our old flame of love was on the process of ignition when I pressed my lips against hers. The candle in her hand fell to the floor and it got extinguished soon after.

The darkness had consumed both of us and two lonely lovers were searching to recollect the broken pieces of their hearts in the pitch-black murkiness.

Her hands were clutching my jacket, pulling it towards her while our tongue met after so many years of yearning and longing for each other. I could not see her in the dark but my hands were enough to feel her presence near me.

A single breath of hers was so familiar to me that I could not keep her away from me on such a stormy night. I had once promised to her that I would compensate for my absence but she didn't give me a chance. But in all these years, my heart had only loved and craved for her, my hatred for her felt like valueless.

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