Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I pushed Mr. Singhania's wheelchair through the wooden posh door of the medium sized bungalow and it led us to a sizeable living room with a chandelier in the midst of the plastered ceiling. The beige coloured walls were decorated with a combination of mural paintings and mosaic tiles. The squared windows were arranged in a straight horizontal line on either walls with a little gap between them, giving enough room for the air to circulate easily inside the vestibule.

We reached the resting area where the exclusive sofa for the accommodation of three was arranged and a middle aged man came running to us. He glared at me in an awkward fashion as if he had encountered with a ghost.

"Sir, have you married this lady? We just got the news," he asked looking at Mr. Singhania and snorting his nose in disgust

I felt pathetic with the way everyone was discussing about me and expressing their feelings of disgust. I had never thought that pretending as a girlfriend or rather as a wife to a billionaire would be so difficult, earning me only rapid insults.

Mr. Singhania nodded his head in affirmation and the man stared at me again. I averted my gaze to avoid a direct eye contact with the man. As I was trying to adjust myself in the odd situation, I heard Mr. Singhania speaking again.

"Kamal, can you show Sapna my room?" he instructed the man. I guessed from his outfit that he was a servant in the house.

Kamal diligently obeyed and I released the wheelchair for him to carry it. I followed them behind, myself rolling Mr. Singhania's hospital luggage. The man took a turn towards the right end of the corridor on the ground floor before halting in front of a rustic wooden door.

Kamal unlocked the door for us and eventually led us into the bedroom. He looked angrier each time he stared at me. He must not be satisfied with my stay in Mr. Singhania's room and he was not wrong at all. I was facing the same dilemma too, my mind not agreeing to share room with someone whom I didn't know personally. It was only for the sake of Mr. Karthik that I had agreed to stay in the Singhania villa.

Mr. Singhania gestured Kamal to leave the room but the latter proved to be adamant. He was demanding an explanation from Mr. Singhania for bringing me home. I was finding it impossible to understand why people were so indulged in other people's personal lives.

"Sir, are you going to keep her here?" Kamal was muttering something only to be shushed by Mr. Singhania.

"You are my servant so behave yourself. It's my life and I have the rights to take decisions myself. Now go and prepare the lunch for us." Mr. Singhania pointed his forefinger at Kamal and he left the room quietly soon after.


Every happening was so new and sudden to me that I found my mouth losing words to speak. Though I had earned the luck of spending a few days of my life luxuriously at the affluent villa, I was yet uncomfortable to share a room with Mr. Singhania. It was true that living in his villa and most importantly in his personal room was itself a luxury, but I couldn't bring my mind to peace with my inner conscience.

The king size bed in the middle of his large room was coupled with a bedside table, containing an ornamental flower vase on top of it. His bed was neatly wrapped with printed floral bedsheets which seemed very expensive. The mosaic paintings hanging on the walls were exorbitantly priced and the table lamp next to the bedside window added more to the beautiful scenery of the room. There was a soothing aroma around which could automatically turn mood on for any ill-tempered human being.

As I was admiring the beauty of the neatly maintained room, I heard Mr. Singhania chuckle. I saw him staring at the engraved mirror on the wall before us and smiling to himself. I rotated my eyes to take a look in it and it filled my heart with horror.

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