Chapter 37 (His POV) (Blockbuster)

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Chapter 37

**Siddharth's POV**

The dark night passed by easily and a new bright morning emerged again. Baby Sadhna was already awake by the daybreak, her innocent gaze scanning her sleeping parents. When she nudged me at my other free shoulder, I woke up with a jerk.

"Big angel, mumma is sleeping on your shoulder! Was she also scared of the dark like me, wasn't she?"

My innocent daughter's voice sounded like one of those morning melodies. Her chattering was the best quality which I loved in her. She was my daughter and she had to be caring for everyone else in her life.

Sapna woke up upon hearing our voices and we found ourselves in a very awkward situation. I glanced over at Sir's amused figure and found him smiling at us. He was also surprised at the blunder we had created but it was not wrong at all. Sapna was my wife and I was lending her the much needed support last night.

I smiled sheepishly and replied to her question. "Your mother was scared last night, angel."

Baby Sadhna was about to say something more but Sapna was quick enough to pull her by her wrist. "Come with me. I'll be bathing you first and then we will have breakfast together."

My little angel walked away with her mother but she kept staring at me before leaving the room. "I will meet you again, big angel."

After they had left, I heard Sir calling me to him. "I think it's time that you talk to Ms. Verma and tell her the truth. You both are not alone now but have an innocent soul to look after. The kiddo is your biological responsibility."

I nodded my head assuring him the same. "I will surely do it Sir but I also have many accusations against her."

"But all your accusations vanish whenever you meet her." Sir laughed satisfactorily because of his true words to me. I left the room pondering on the fact of how I would talk to Sapna regarding everything else in our lives.


I prepared a few dishes for the breakfast after so many years. I was ready to give the most pleasant surprise to my little angel and I knew it would make her the happiest child in the world. Wondering about impressing my dear daughter, I heard her little footsteps descending down the stairs and it automatically brought a cheerful smile on my face.

Baby Sadhna came down for breakfast with her little fingers clasped onto her mother's palms. When she saw me waiting near the dining table, she smiled at me energetically. She was wearing a light green frock and the beautiful pendant was shimmering around her neck.

She took a seat like a princess at the dining table and began ordering Ramu at the top of her voice. "Ramu uncle, I will not eat chapattis again for breakfast. They are very tasteless. I will drink coffee and if you can, give me some potato ketchups."

"Shhh! Eat whatever Ramu uncle gives you. Don't be a nagging girl now." Sapna scolded her.

Ramu came out of the kitchen and apologised. "Sorry baby, I haven't cooked anything for you today."

Baby Sadhna's spoon dropped to the empty plate from her hand as she exclaimed in rage. "Why uncle? Will you also stop me from eating good food like mumma does?"

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