Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Everything had calmed down, the storm in Siddharth's life had finally subsided. He was free from all dangers but a new hazard was lurking for me. It was Kiran and she was someone who could attack me uninvited anytime.

I was standing by the window, thinking of my disordered life when I felt Siddharth's arms around me. He was tightly clasping me from behind and kissing my neck vigorously. He knew that his warm kisses would surely melt my anger.

"Enough of it, Sapna. You know I only love you and can't share my love with anyone else. Kiran had tricked me and I don't even remember what had happened that evening. But I am sure nothing had occurred between us because even in my intoxication, I would have only remembered your face." He kept kissing me until I pushed him away in rage.

"Please Siddharth, whatever I've heard today has shattered me. Kiran was obsessed with you since so many years and you have never tried to shove her away. What if you also possessed feelings for her but after coming closer to me, you threw her away? You did betray her..." I mumbled, being always the straightforward woman.

"You are doubting me when you know that I have never thought of Kiran in such a way. Pratik also said that she was the one who was drooling over me. She used to drool over many other boys so I took it very casually. Since when I got you in my life, I gave all my love and precious things to you. She wasn't ever so near to me the way you are. If you permit me, I can even tell the entire world that I only love you." He embraced me with all his might as if he would never let me part from him any day.

I instantly reciprocated to his hug because I was missing his touch very badly. I loved him and I knew he also did the same. But the 'Kiran' factor was refusing to leave my brain anytime soon.

I slammed on his chest and burst out crying. "What if anything had really happened that evening and you don't remember, Siddharth?"

"I don't remember but I am sure I won't do anything in my consciousness. I only love you and you need to believe it. I will be faithful to you even if I die." He kissed my forehead and rubbed my shoulders to compose me. He was trying hard to calm my agitation.

I touched his cold arm. "I am sorry... I was so engrossed with the worst thought of it that I started blaming you completely."

I was lacking in both words and peace of mind at the moment. Kiran had already succeeded in ruining our beautiful relationship temporarily and I didn't even know what more she was planning in her head for the next time.

Siddharth cupped my chin and whispered, "I have missed you like hell, sweetheart."

He pulled me into a deep and hungry kiss this time and I didn't resist him anymore. He had always succeeded in melting my anger and we were into each other's embrace again. I was extremely worried for whatever had taken place that evening, the weight of worries increasing by an ounce daily. I only wished if I could rewind the time and erase the worst day from Siddharth's life so that we didn't have to worry again.


A few days passed by and the legal proceedings for Vaibhav and Pratik was ongoing in the court. Vaibhav was sentenced to jail for six months and Pratik's verdict was yet to be declared. Court procedures always took time longer than expected and Vaibhav's drug addiction would also be treated in the jail itself.

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