Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Siddharth settled my hair on one side of my shoulder blades, kissing my hind neck with lascivious vigour. I moaned giddily and he buried his face in the curve of my other shoulder, leaving seductive pecks on the bare skin above.

"I can't get over you anytime soon..." He murmured, his husky voice trailing away with the rise in temperature inside the room.

We both were experiencing unrealized feelings for each other, invisible to the naked eyes. We needed to overcome our attractive emotions to part from each other but the age old theory of intangible force of attraction was acting stronger than a powerful magnet. It was sending silent signals to hold us in a taut fashion, never to lose the boundaries of compassion.

He could read me perfectly, his kissing me on my hind neck would crumble all my hostility towards him and I would reciprocate to his advances. His hot exhale intoxicated my sanity when his lips grazed my neck, my breathing chiming in harmony with his amorous movements. His uninvited interruption to my exasperated mind always succeeded in taking away my resistance, leaving behind wet doodles of his mouth.

His lips worked faster on it's way to get to my lips, the rough pair of thin skin smoothened by the sweetness of our mingle. His fingers were caressing my cheeks tenuously when I interlocked his neck with my arms, parting my mouth for better access.

He whispered against my mouth, his arms a little shaky. "Don't get estranged from me, please. You are becoming my irresistible addiction."

My plush lips crashed against his dry ones just at the moment when he shared his honest emotions. Now that I had become his addiction, he couldn't help but demand me as his amour. I pushed him lightly as I spoke, " We need to move downstairs. The guests are waiting for us."

He nodded his head before wiping his lips with the back of his palm to erase my fuchsia pink lipstick which had marked him. Throwing me an affectionate hug, he whispered, "You look beautiful tonight. I can't keep my eyes off you."

I slammed my palm against his chest, adding my opinion gleefully, "You look awfully handsome tonight. Your girlfriends also cannot keep their eyes off you."

He grinned slyly, looking me in the eyes. "Girlfriends? How do you even know my secret?"

"Cocky much?"

"As long as I'm with you." He answered before securing my slim waist with his right arm as we plodded down the stairs to attend the evening party.


"Everything is planned." I heard Mr. Karthik's gruff voice as he instructed Siddharth and I, presumed warning before any mishap could take place. "I have arranged close circuit cameras everywhere and a tight security invigilating outside."

I took a sip of spiced buttermilk before saying, "I still hope everything passes by without much drama."

Mr. Karthik moved aside to discuss a few things with his trusted officer Vikram while I took a seat beside Siddharth at one of the centre tables placed next to the makeshift dance floor. The multicolored neon disco lights were shining above our heads, giving the magnificent hallway of the bungalow a shimmering party atmosphere.

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