Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Shrouding a greenish blue brocaded fabric suit, I braided my hair neatly before the mirror in Siddharth's room. The side curly locks were let loose to flutter freely over my temples. I stared at the brilliantly sparkling golden Tinkerbell baby pendant hanging loosely from my neck, recalling the days when my parents had gifted it to me. As a child, I was always passionate about tinkerbells and parting with it would mean disrespecting my dead parents.

"Doctor sahiba is all ready to leave?" I heard Siddharth's voice from behind the cupboard's door. He was conflicting with his clothes to choose a proper outfit to wear and timely peeking at me from the top of it so that I rush to his help after I was done with my makeup.

"I'm ready, Siddharth. Haven't you yet selected any for you?" I asked him before picking up my cellphone from the nightstand.

"Help me, Sapna. Most of my clothes are out of order, right! I hadn't taken care of them for so many days and some are not even ironed." He was complaining like any child would and waited for me to respond. 

Approaching at his side, I searched for something probable for the day until a navy blue Armani suit caught my eyes. In all probability, it wasn't crumpled which meant he hadn't worn the cloth for days or must have recently ironed. "This will be perfect, Siddharth."

"Give me two minutes, I'll be back." He took the chalk stripe fabric clothing in his hands before disappearing into the bathroom. I had selected a dress for him to wear for the day and he seemed to be quite happy about it.

He reappeared again, the glamorous suit blazing over his body. As he neared me, the unclasped first button of his glistening linen blend white shirt came to my view, his broad solid chest vividly visible through the smooth translucent material.

Stopping inches closer to where I was, he stated winking. "Do I look like a gentleman?"

"No you're not. Something is missing." I shook my head before picking a blue tie from the drawer. Moving nearer to him, I adjusted his collar and fastened the top button.

Working on the loose ends of the straps, I crafted my fingers to set the trinity knot for his tie while he shackled my waist with his arm in a swift manner, bringing me so close that I could feel his minted breath fanning my cheeks. My heart began racing faster than ever and I hurried with the knots before the sexual tension could arise more inside the room, rendering my consciousness all nervous and full of palpitations.

"Now you look like a gentleman." I stammeringly murmured and he pulled away, his cheeks blushing from our short lasting proximity.

He sat on the bed to wear his socks but moaned due to the slight pain near his chest. Folding his limbs or bending forward to fix the socks or shoes were still troublesome for him and I did realize his dilemma. I knelt down on my knees in the next moment, clutching the socks in my palms to fix those for him.

"No don't do that.." He flinched at this, trying to pull away. "You are my doctor and I can't allow you to touch my feet... I respect you and your dignity.. Please Sapna... That's very bad!"

"Let me do it, Siddharth. I'm doing it willingly... It's not that you are spoiling my dignity for me. Being your doctor, it's my responsibility to see that you are not hurt because of the wounds." I chided, fixing the socks, shoes and tying the laces for him.

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