Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

I took Siddharth for a brisk walk that evening and we sat on the marbled steps opposite to an enormous fountain in his garden. Streams of water were cascading outwards where I could alone spend many hours watching the natural scenery. But Siddharth was right here beside me, giving me a blissful company.

"What are you thinking, Sapna?" He nudged me but I didn't stir at first.

I was lost into admiring the generosity of nature along with the magnificent charms of his neatly maintained garden. The golden rays of the sun illuminated the petals of early blossoms and I could hear birds chirping among the bushes. 

"Sorry I was... Your garden is beautiful, Siddharth. I liked the idea of Dahlias embedded among Daffodils," I told him, still staring at the marvellous flower beds in front of me.

It was the third week of February and the chill in the weather was still pronouncing it's presence. Though the winter season hadn't yet subsided but the buds of scented flowers had already begun to bloom with the gradual advent of spring.

"You liked the flowers, Sapna? I must have one of them in your name." Siddharth declared before walking away to reach to the vast stretch of flower beds. Plucking a fresh Dahlia from the front row, he waved it at me, his lips arched into an elegant smile. "This one will be fine."

I simply smiled at his innocence. Nobody could ever tell that he had the heart of a child, his soul was as pure as a white lotus. Mr. Karthik was right to define him because he indeed possessed a golden heart and my brewing friendship with him was no less than a sturdy proof that he cared for me.

"You can have one in my name too." I heard someone else's voice behind me and immediately tensed in my seat.

"Mr. Karthik! You panicked me all of a sudden. I was busy concentrating on him," I said, my throat almost drying up from the nervous attack. 

"There's nothing to be scared of, my girl. You are in the middle of the garden where I've planted my able securities. The attackers won't dare to reach here," Mr. Karthik said before gesturing Siddharth to halt where he was, among the flower beds.

"What now, Sir?" he asked confusingly before exchanging glances with me. 

"Get a flower in my name too." Mr. Karthik ordered, a small smile bound to his lips.

"But... This was for Sapna and..." He fumbled and I heard Mr. Karthik chuckle, embarrassing us with his unique ability of teasing others.

"Silly boy! I'm not forcing you to gift me the one which is specially meant for her. You can always get me an another one from a different bunch." Mr. Karthik was smirking unnoticeably but it wasn't difficult for me to understand his gesture.

"Get the Daffodil for Mr. Karthik," I intervened as I realised that he was trying to tease the both of us.

Mr. Karthik was the strict security head but only during his duty hours. The way he was friendly to both of us, it seemed as if we were his children and he somehow wanted to unite the two of us.

Siddharth obeyed and approached us with the particular flowers. Taking the Dahlia meant for me in between my palms, I inhaled the sweet fragrance of newly blossomed flower. The light pink texture of the tiny petals had an added bonus due to Siddharth's touch of respect for me.

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