Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Waking up to the warm embrace of the sun's rays was a rare bliss for someone like me, perpetually busy treating the needy in army cantonments or tending to the injured during racial commotions across various districts of West Bengal.

Experiencing a sunrise after a peaceful sleep was not a common luxury for me, as I seldom had time to spend in my apartment. This weekend, however, I had taken special leave to meet my childhood friends. They had been complaining about my busy schedule, as I had scarcely seen them since earning my medical degree. It was crucial to find a balance between personal and professional life.

Hopping out of my queen-sized bed, I made my way to the white-framed window to glimpse the serene streetscape of Kolkata. I had rented an apartment near the Howrah bus junction, a vital hub of West Bengal, second only to Kolkata itself. I always preferred a calm and soothing atmosphere to ease my already troubled mind, and the tranquility of the Hooghly River, on which Howrah stood, perfectly complemented my need for peace.

Tring tring!

The bell to my cellphone rang and an unknown number flashed on the screen. I wondered who was calling me early in the morning.

"Hello... Dr. Sapna Verma here." I answered and waited for the caller to introduce himself or herself.

"Ms. Verma, this is Karthik Ghoshal here. Do you remember me?" I heard the man with a grave voice chuckle.

"Karthik Ghoshal? Umm..." I ran my hands through my ruffled brown hair before recognizing his name and voice. "Yeah I remember you. Of course!"

Mr. Karthik became one of my patients about two years ago. Despite being a fifty-year-old, hefty man, he established a great rapport and friendly bond with me while I was his doctor. As the paramount head of our National Security Department, I respected him as a senior and a stern law enforcer. We first met when he visited a Maoist-hit area and survived a near-fatal bullet wound.

No, his treatment came later. Earlier that night, I had literally pushed him out of the bullet's path, taking the hit on my knuckles instead. As I mentioned earlier, my work frequently takes me to terror-stricken areas, and on that unfortunate day, I was on duty when I heard about the secret attack. I immediately relayed the information to Mr. Karthik, evading the attackers' notice. Still, the attack was inevitable because the news reached me too late.

When Mr. Karthik discovered my secret passion for gathering information on terrorist activities, he instructed me to share any such intelligence with him. Since I often visited these terror-filled places for my duty, I frequently came across such news.

Mr. Karthik had always been grateful to me for saving his life that day, and he continued to express his gratitude every time we met. He made me feel special sometimes; after all, praise from a security officer was always a prized possession for someone like me.

"That's so generous of you, Ms. Verma. So are you in the city or still out there somewhere in the forests?" I heard him enquiring me like a senior. His sense of humour sometimes made me burst into laughter. He always loved to tease me for my strenuous job.

"I'm in the city, Mr. Karthik. Is this your new number?" I tried to clarify from him.

"Yes it is. This number is for PERSONAL use," he replied with a short breath, stressing on the 'personal' word.

"Personal? Something important you want to share with me?" I asked confusingly.

"Not everything can be told over phone. We need to meet and discuss. I'll send you the address." He said and disconnected the call soon after.

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