Chapter 35 (His POV) (Blockbuster)

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Chapter 35

**Siddharth's POV**

The gentle dribbles of rain fell pitter patter again and the familiar voice was beckoning the little angel to her. "Baby, where are you? Are you getting wet in the rain? Come inside quickly."

The little angel was not getting wet at all because we were chattering under the sunshade of the lobby. Baby Sadhna heard the voice and replied instantly, "I'm not getting wet, mumma. I am only talking to my friend."

My back was facing her mother and the little angel was facing me. I could hear her mother's chiding behind us and an emergence of steady steps towards us.

She scolded her daughter while approaching us. "I had told you not to speak to strangers. Go inside and have your lunch. Ramu uncle has been searching for you."

The lady's hand appeared from the left side of mine to stretch out to the little angel to pull her away from me. But before her mother could get hold of her, I heard her running footsteps while her mother screamed again. "Stop running baby, you will slip and fall."

"No mumma, I won't. I am going to eat the delicious foodies." The voice of the little angel faded gradually. She must have disappeared into the bungalow with her little feather-like footsteps.

The familiar voice was easily recognizable but I was not ready to believe my conscience at all. I heard her speak again, most probably telling me something. "Who are you, Mister? Why did my daughter call you her friend? What intentions do you have?"

I could hear her rambling behind me, accusing me for talking to her daughter being only a stranger. When I couldn't control myself further from listening to her complaining rants against me, I rotated to face her, my fragile limbs now ready to show her if I was really a stranger.

The silver puddles were drizzling onto her butter-like soft skin and a few water droplets had accumulated on her hay-like brown hair. She was standing at a gap of a few inches away from the sunshade, getting wet in the rain.

Cladded in a beautiful peacock blue saree, the pellets of water were kissing the creamy layer of her perfect body. It was she and only she, I would not have failed to recognise her melodious voice.

I was seeing her after a long span of five years, it seemed as if many centuries had passed between our sudden meeting. She still looked the same beautiful woman I had ever fallen for, except for the black rimmed glasses that covered her glorious face and the silk saree that draped her slim curves. She had never worn a saree before so it was unimaginable for me. She was draining in beauty, looking drop-dead gorgeous. The slick sheets of rain were embracing her lascivious skin like an invisible blanket.

The silhouette of hers in the cloudy weather was rushing electrifying shocks through my nerves, rendering my heart weak. Even after a long gap of five years, the attractive spark was still present in her, the spark which had captivated me under her spell. Her quivering lips and my trembling body, we both had framed a magnetic attraction together.

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