Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The new visitors were very annoying and I was feeling uncomfortable in their company. Kiran was insulting or rather accusing me for my rumoured marriage with Mr. Singhania, going to the extent of even slapping me. It seemed as if getting married to Mr. Singhania was kind of a huge crime for any girl like me.

I couldn't reveal the truth to them that I wasn't married to Mr. Singhania at all. Mr. Karthik had taught me to use my intelligence before revealing anything to anyone and suspect every individual whom we meet during our process of investigation. Mr. Singhania was meeting many people personally and publicly, they could either be his friends or foes. He owned money and fame, including the captivities of many criminals under his name. It was possible for anyone to plot and try getting him killed.

When Mr. Singhania didn't react to Kiran's actions, the other kind young man wearing blue spectacles came to my rescue. He caught hold of Kiran's hands before shaking her. "What are you doing? Why are you blaming her unnecessarily? It's Siddharth who has married her and he seems to be comfortable and happy with her. Why are you losing your patience for no big deal?"

"You don't know anything, Pratik. Sid wouldn't have married her if she hadn't spent the night with him at the hospital." She yelled, hatching the newly cooked tale of the media.

Everything was so ridiculously occurring with me, be it Mr. Singhania's chiding or the accusations of the public. I was willing to help him out for a good cause but things were drifting towards unfavourable situations. The issues were becoming more complicated for me than my simple professional life.

I was unable to bear my patience anymore. My self-esteem was getting marred every now and then, my dignified image in the verge of ruining to remnants. I had to be strong on my own standpoint before they could point fingers at me again. Kiran's rude comments infuriated me- I was not bound to be anyone's slave or tolerate their rants without a word.

Kiran attempted to move forward to hit me again but I was faster than her, shackling her hands against her stomach immediately. Catching hold of her arms tightly, I twisted them together. She struggled to get free from my clutches but I wouldn't let her go. Everyone including Mr. Singhania was flabbergasted with my violent step and I knew I could turn worse than that. I wasn't much introvert when it came to dignifying my own morales.

"You better be in your limits before blaming anyone unnecessarily, Miss Kiran. You can't even imagine in what condition I had found him last night." I gasped closer to her earlobe, gritting my teeth in rage. I was not liking my behavior with her in such a rude manner, but it was she who had compelled me to do so.

"Sid! She is just being so spiteful bitch... Tell her to get out of our way..." Kiran was struggling hard to get out of my strong grip on her.

"Sapna! Get back to the room now." Mr. Singhania yelled, pronouncing my name in a fit of temper. I had never expected him to be siding with Kiran, with someone who was openly insulting my relationship with him.

"But Mr. Sing.... Siddharth, it was Kiran who had slapped me in the first place and..." I tried to deny but trailed off when I observed the rarest anger in his brilliant blue eyes.

"Didn't you hear what I said? Sapna? Just move away now." He concluded his statement, not meeting my painful eyes again.

I released Kiran from my tight grip and quietly ran to his bedroom. Tears had already cornered my eyes when I took a last glance at him before moving away. I wish he had noticed me crying or felt something sympathetic for the emotions in me... Or WHATEVER!


Rushing to his room, I changed into my own clothes which I had already washed after the shower. I had now decided to give up on the case because these things were perturbing me to a greater extent, hindering the smooth pace of my duty. It would be better that I discussed with Mr. Karthik before withdrawing from the case.

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