Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Mr. Singhania's deep commanding voice froze me in my position. Mr. Karthik first exchanged glances with me before speaking to him, "Siddharth, what is the matter now? Why are you stopping her again?"

Mr. Singhania scooted towards us and halted his wheelchair so near to us. "She can't go anywhere. She is bound to work on the case and I will see to it that she is not insulted by anyone again."

I was still confused with my decision and always preferred to solve the case for him. I had witnessed how terribly horrible and panicking he was the previous night and it was also I who had observed the doubtful activities at the hospital backyard. I was also the one with whom he had shared his fears from his close friends.

I had taken the decision to give up on the case in a haste and I had always been like this since childhood. But deep down in my heart, I still wanted to work for him.

"Can you guarantee it?" Mr. Karthik asked him on my behalf.

"I can and whatever has happened in the span of an entire day was just to examine her abilities. But from now on I promise that nobody will have the guts to insult her in front of me," he spoke in a guilted tone, pangs of guilt already visible in his eyes, the feelings of embarrassment for everything.

"Ms. Verma, I hope your fears are wiped out and you are ready to continue with the case." Mr. Karthik was trying to prompt me to rethink my decision.

"I haven't finished speaking yet, Sir." Mr. Singhania interrupted us again. "Her fears aren't wiped out yet. Her biggest insecurity is that she's not ready to stay under the same roof with some stranger and so I have decided to get married to her in real. It doesn't matter anyways because the public already knows we are married. We'll get divorced once everything is sorted out and I'll put a portion of my properties in her name in the future."

I didn't know if my life was being played with. I had previously decided to live with him and hence, I had no reasons to deny again. My fear from the contempt of the society would also be subsided. As I was awkwardly rotating my eyes to respond him, I saw Mr. Singhania rolling his wheelchair towards me.

He halted a few inches away from me and spoke again, "Have I qualified in finding the perfect solution to your insecurities?"

His gentle convincing tone was enough to melt my agitation. He must be knowing some sort of spell to lure me to his desires. It was also true that he wouldn't accept any refusal again. He wasn't in his peace of mind and his mood often swung periodically, though it was easily predictable that he wasn't a bad person at heart.

"I really wanted to help you in solving the case and keep your life safe. I don't need anything from you. We'll keep the marriage signed in papers and after my duty is over, I'll leave without a word. I'm already bound to this case because of the letter Mr. Karthik has forwarded to my department. The approval may also arrive anytime soon," I replied in a professional tone while Mr. Karthik's chuckling tone reached my ears.

Things were taking place in quick successions when I heard Mr. Karthik instantly giving a call to his lawyer on Mr. Singhania's orders and fixed the appointment at eight o'clock. By ten o'clock, the formalities of signing the marriage registration papers were completed, with Mr. Karthik becoming the sole witness to our secretive marriage.


Becoming Mrs. Singhania wasn't easy at all. Mr. Karthik might have taken the exit from Singhania villa after dinner but I was still struggling to control the amateur emotions. It was the feeling of a newly married woman who was going to spend her first night with her husband, a husband based on certain conditions for solving a case.

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