Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Three days into the huge revelations and almost no traces of notably doubtful activities, Siddharth was performing better with respect to his health and improving on his nervous triggering everyday. With all the substantial efforts we had put into curing and saving him, he was genuinely grateful to us.

Sprawled out on the bed next to him, I observed his gloomy face, decked up in pain. Brushing my palm across his wrist, I was trying to console him. "Everything will soon be alright, Siddharth. Why are you so worried? Just because you aren't receiving any update calls from the rehabs, it doesn't mean your uncle is unwell. Trust me."

"I am worried, Sapna. He has been living in that centre for so many years without any family member to talk to, not even his own son. He is leading the life of a prisoner, confided in a single room and fed bitter medicines, tortured in the shock room.. I mean I can't do anything for him. He hates me," Siddharth lamented, rotating on his elbow to face me.

"Please Siddharth, don't pressurise your heart." My palm touched his hand, forefinger tracing his knuckles smoothly.

"I had always wanted to bring my uncle home but he wouldn't. Vaibhav was also not agreeing to fetch his father with him because he was very busy in his profession. Why is it that after earning degrees and jobs, children often forget to spend time with their parents?" Siddharth suddenly asked, caging my wrist and smartly pulling me to his chest.

"You happen to understand the importance of something when it is lost, Siddharth. We both have lost our parents and only we know the pain of it. This is life..." I wept, hiding my face in the depression of his chest.

He ardently kissed my forehead before fondling with my moistened cheeks. "You should stop weeping, Sapna. I hate when you do that because it clinches my heart. I feel as if I'm making you cry."

Sleeping into the comfortable solid chest of a billionaire was never among my future plans until I found him. Lying with him on the same bed was becoming my favorite hobby and needful habit daily, his arms encircling my body into a constricted frame. I was loving the new feeling, emotional attachment of staying so near to him and willingly letting him to kiss me whenever he needed.

Siddharth and I experienced a scanty sleep that night. I stayed awake almost throughout and he was sleeping peacefully, clutching me. Every night that passed by, we weren't facing any harmful situations during the dark hours and it was a great relief.

At around four in the dawn, I didn't realise when I fell asleep except his fingers raking my messy hair. When I woke up, it was already eight in the morning and I found my head resting against his chest for the entire time. I lifted my chin to glance up at him and his fixed gaze on me took me by sheer surprise.

"Oh! I am sorry, Siddharth. I kept sleeping for such a long time. I should have been more careful." I ducked my head lower to detach from him but he wouldn't drop the idea of holding onto me.

With a little grin and rise in his eyebrows, he murmured, "I didn't mind even if you fell asleep last night. In fact, I was guarding you this time while you slept."

I was surprised to witness the lack of fear in his speech but it delighted me. The plan of bringing Mr. Dushyant and Vaibhav into the bungalow was working since Siddharth wasn't getting triggered anymore and Mr. Karthik must be surely impressed with me.

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