Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Mr. Karthik involved himself into praising me instead of focusing on the meeting for which he had summoned us. He appreciated joking around even in serious issues. I didn't know how an aged man like him found happiness in everything he witnessed or spoke. He was a carefree human being and I adored him for this particular reason. Mr. Singhania wouldn't also deny it because I knew he loved Mr. Karthik dearly.

I pressed my lips together to speak in an annoyed tone, "Will you stop it, Mr. Karthik? We are here to discuss on an important issue and not praise one another."

"Look Siddharth, my girl is losing her patience. I am praising only her and she thinks I am praising each one of us. What to do now?" said Mr. Karthik, looking at Mr. Singhania.

"You need to do nothing and must proceed with the meeting. She will calm down by herself," Mr. Singhania spoke in a casual voice as if my annoyance didn't matter him. It seemed he had already understood or read the instincts present in me.

Mr. Karthik smiled again before starting to speak, "Mrs. Singhania told me that she had seen only the eyes of one of the attackers at the hospital. She will help us in sketching the eyes and if possible, the external appearance of the person. Our urgent focus is to get Siddharth up on his limbs because his involvement is necessary."

"I will be removing the dressing of his wounds after three more days. Then I'll start with his physiotherapy a week after. I'm hoping that he gets completely cured by the end of this month." I tried to assure them.

There were twenty more days left for the month to get over and I was under the impression that he would get cured with the efforts of my professional expertise. His involvement was very important for the case as it was linked to him.

"Sapna will be accomplishing it easily because she is a gem." Mr. Karthik told Siddharth before catching a glimpse of my puckered face.

"I'll put all my efforts to assist Sapna in the medical procedures. I will also try to help you in the case wherever possible," Mr. Singhania joined us in making the promises.

"So we have come to a standpoint for the mysterious case. Anyways Mrs. Singhania, you wanted to converse something personally?" Mr. Karthik turned to me and I sat upright on the creaking chair.

"Can we move aside, please?" I gestured and Mr. Karthik nodded, walking over to a farther corner of the room.

We stood watching Mr. Singhania from the corner of the room, who was trailing his index finger on the table, perhaps intensely thinking something. He would always get lost in worries whenever he was left alone and I was the witness to his strange behavior a number of times.

"Mr. Karthik, don't you think he seems to be behaving oddly sometimes," I stated, my eyes still fixated on Mr. Singhania.

"He looks so odd because he is married now." Mr. Karthik winked, a playful smile adorning his thick lips.

I pouted in a fit of annoyance. "It's something serious which we need to discuss. He is surreal sometimes which surprises me."

"What makes you think so?"

I narrated the viable incidents to him, from his behaviour at the hospital to the restless sleep at night in his own room. He was even behaving weird many a times which were clearly noticeable. These incidents were providing us with evident reasons to doubt on him.

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