Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

The amber coloured eyes had surely settled inside my brain, the strange piercing cat-like eyeballs of the other attacker. He was the same man who had spilled the drink on Siddharth but his other companion was in the bathroom to shoot him. It was clearly evident that this strange eyed man was the one who used to remain outside while his other partner used to attempt to reach Siddharth for committing the crime.

"What was Siddharth doing here that day, Mr. Karthik? Was he here for some case?" I asked him, sensible enough to delve deeper into the mystery.

Mr. Karthik scratched his beards as he spoke, "He wasn't here for any case as far as I know because I am the one who allot cases to him. He has visited here a number of times and I think he visits here for donating money to the centre."

"But he told me that he forwarded cheques and doesn't go anywhere personally." I was trying to list the informative points.

"You are right madam, he doesn't visit here for donating money. He visits for a different cause," The head of the centre interrupted us before taking out a file from under his desk and holding it before us. "This file has the answers to all your queries."

I flapped through the pages of the file looking for hints and found that it was the case file of a particular psychiatric patient belonging to their centre. The reports of his treatment and medical tests were provided in it. It also certified that the psychiatric patient was admitted at the rehabilitation centre more than fifteen years ago and was still continuing with the treatment.

It read:

Name: Dushyant Singhania.
Sex: Male.
Age: Forty eight.
Occupation: Businessman.
Disease: Psychosis post TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury)
Admission date: 31st November, 2002.

His address and other minor details were also included along with the medical reports. It was now the month of February in the year 2018 and the patient hadn't yet recovered from the injury incurred to his brain.

"This patient has been suffering from TBI and he was also in coma for five odd years. After regaining his senses from coma, he became a psychiatric patient. He's being treated for the past seven years but he still turns wild sometimes." The head explained us.

"What does this particular patient have to do with our case?" Mr. Karthik asked him doubtfully.

I had already begun prophesizing if things were getting messier or we were really moving closer to the case. The surname of the person was hinting me to think because he was also a Singhania. The way his case had now emerged before us, there was something definitely relatable.

"He is the uncle of Siddharth, his late father's only youngest brother. We have known Siddharth since the age of thirteen. Siddharth has himself suffered from post traumatic disorders and is now completely cured, yet he sometimes faces inflammation of his nerves and fears from death. He needs proper care and medication." This was a huge revelation that the head disclosed before us.

I was now getting the heck of Siddharth's mysteries and the reason behind his tremendous fear. His behaviour like a child was obvious because he had suffered from something very tragic when he was a child. As the head mentioned, he was completely cured of the disorders but something had been triggering him lately. I needed to uproot the matter from the base and free him of all dangers permanently.

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