Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Mr. Karthik sent me a text early in the morning, narrating to me about his meeting with Vaibhav last night. Vaibhav was enquiring about his presence and Mr. Karthik had told him that he was my uncle, keeping him unaware of the fact that he was there to solve the case.

I reached the terrace to commence the physiotherapy for Siddharth. He was dressed in his gym vests and jockey pants, torrid sweat melting down his forehead. The art of exercising his muscles could suitably be effective for his health to improve, the more frequently he did it, the earlier he would get cured.

While explaining him the therapeutic process, I held his right arm against mine, emphasizing on the movement of his muscles in the vicinity of the wounds. I continued and he pressed my hands under his armpits, refusing to let them go.

I immediately recognised the playful expressions over his face and scoffed angrily, "Stop kidding and concentrate."

"No teacher, I am tired. I need oxygen to breathe," he muttered as a child would do before pulling me in front of him. Kissing my temples gently, he repeated again, "You are my oxygen."

He was trying to flatter me to get away with the physiotherapy but I was adamant too, I wouldn't allow him to escape so easily from the strict rules of my treatment. "You can be cleverer than me but it won't help you. You need to complete with the day's exercising quota before taking rest."

"You're too strict, Dr. Sapna Singhania!" He pinched his lips in annoyance before lifting his hurt arm to give me assess for the therapy.

Many minutes passed since our rigorous training period and sweat was clearly drenching our skin. I excused myself from him to fetch the energy drinks from the centre table placed in a confined corner on the terrace, ordering him to stay where he was. As I turned about after grabbing the bottles, my horrified eyes found a lying Siddharth on the floor, his eyes closed in unconsciousness. 

I sprinted towards him at once, moving his head to my lap before sprinkling some cold liquid across his face. "Siddharth! Siddharth! Are you alright? Answer me..dammit!"

My heart began impounding badly inside my chest as I rubbed his palms vigorously, fearing the inevitable. I couldn't afford to see him getting harmed in any way, at least not when I was present near him. The little thought of losing him cut across my chest and I pulled out my phone to give a direct call to Mr. Karthik.

A mightier hand seized my mobile in the next moment and I was taken aback to see Siddharth opening his eyes and regaining his senses. Snuggling into the folds of my inner thighs, he stared up at my terrified image. And then...

He burst into a roaring laughter, petrifying me.

"Why are you calling Sir? Nothing has happened to me." He kissed my knuckles before conjoining our fingers together. 

"You were kidding with me because I didn't allow you to take some rest... Do you even realise that your silly joke did already freeze my breath for a second," I yelled, my eyes crimson with the powerful drainage of blood in them.

He sat upright, leaning forward and wrapping his arms round my neck. Kissing the top of my head, he said in a pronounced voice, "I was trying to ease the strict mood of my darling tutor. I didn't know it would turn out so scary that you would cry..."

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