Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

I dressed my daughter into a beautiful Cinderella baby pink gown bordered with golden laces on the morning of the following day, her light blue eyes sparkling against the reflection of the mirror. She had earlier seen my Cinderella dress which Siddharth had once gifted me and had urged me to buy one for her, very similar to it.

Standing before the mirror, she pulled the ends of my peacock blue saree which I was wearing and said, "Mumma, my locket is pretty, isn't it?"

Her fingers were clutching the beautiful platinum pendant which Siddharth had once gifted me. I had latched it around her neck when she was only a six months old infant and later told her that it was her father's blessings to her. She instantly loved it and had adored it since then.

"You have told me that God has sent my father's blessings to me. When will my father come to me himself or will God send an angel to take me to my father?" She asked, always managing to turn me emotional with her innocent words.

"Your angel will come one day, sweetheart." I heard Seema's voice as she entered the room and handed over the favourite novels of my daughter to her. My daughter was completely like her father, who also loved to read story books.

"You remembered these, nanny," My baby said in amazement before arranging the books in our luggage.

"Don't take so many of them." I scolded because I would only have to carry all our luggage.

"I gave her only a few books, doctor," Seema told me before moving towards my daughter again. "Baby, don't forget to give this to your grandfather as a gift from you."

"What is that now?" I asked Seema when I saw her handing over a neatly wrapped gift package to my baby.

"It is a gift for her grandfather which I wrapped on her behalf last night. Won't you allow her to give something to him being his granddaughter?" Seema asked me and I nodded my head in affirmation.

Seema arranged the gift wrap inside my baby's bag and zipped it. Making my daughter wear a woollen jacket, I wrapped a shawl around my shoulders. We bid Seema a farewell and hurriedly departed to board the train in time.


We walked along the snow cladded streets of Siliguri to reach the railway station to board the train. My daughter was clutching my palm blissfully as she toddled, humming a song to herself. The wintry weather was wrecking my nerves; the fallen leaves, drooping trees and light snowfall portraying the barrenness of my life. Winter was a season after which came the spring and I remembered the beautiful spring I had ever spent with someone.

Our journey by train commenced in an hour and my daughter kept staring out of the train window, admiring the beauty of nature. She had paused her chattering to enjoy her life's first train journey. She had earlier travelled by train when she was in my womb on that devastating day.

As she got busy in her own dream world, I fished out the day's newspaper from my handbag to find the exact location of the repetitive news which appeared on the paper daily.

The news in the little corner of the front page shuddered me. It contained the summon for me by someone very close to me, specifically a missing diary.

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