Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

Everything had settled between us. Siddharth had forgiven me but I would be forever guilty to my conscience for not discussing the issue with my husband at the right time. I possessed the worst habit of taking decisions in a haste and that nature of mine had taken away five precious of our lives. I was scared of my husband's dignity getting marred and it was also necessary to save my baby who was growing up in my womb during that time.

Although things were fine now, this one incident had shaken me thoroughly and taught me the craziest lesson of life. Today when I look back, time hadn't moved the way it was supposed to be. Siddharth still loved me the way he would and he had our daughter to share his love with. I was satisfied with our little family and he had found what he had yearned for in his entire life.

Siddharth and Sadhna were lying on the bed next to me and I sat admiring the special bonding of the father-daughter duo. He was lulling her to sleep and often stealing glances at me. When our baby was almost asleep, he caught hold of my palm and asked, "Have you told Sadhna about me? You promised me not to tell her, right?"

I was confused with what he was asking and responded, "No, I haven't. I thought that may be you have told her. You took time from me to give her the surprise yourself."

"So how did she come to know about me?" Siddharth was pondering over the fact when Sadhna sat upright on the bed, her face gripping in fear.

We both grabbed her shoulders together. "What happened, baby?"

"Mumma, papa, I love you both. Don't go away from me." She cried hugging us together.

"No baby, why will we go away from you? You are our life, isn't it?" I caressed her ruffled hair.

"Papa, don't leave me and go away again." Sadhna was scared of losing her father or she must have seen a bad dream.

Siddharth pulled Sadhna closer to him and kissed her forehead. "Will you stop crying, my darling? I promise I won't go anywhere."

"I love you, papa." An adorable smile appeared on her lips again.

Siddharth caught hold of her palm and kissed the top of it. "My little angel, will you tell me one thing? How did you come to know about the pendant around my neck and matched it with yours?"

"Your locket is very beautiful, papa. I was playing a game of treasure hunt with grandpa. He told me that he is the angel who has kept my father for so many years and gave me a task of searching for my father according to the rules of the game. He also gave me a clue that my father possesses the same locket as mine and that I should go searching for every person living in his house to check if anyone's locket gets attached with mine." Sadhna was smiling brightly when she narrated the story to us.

"So your pendant got matched with mine?" Siddharth asked her again.

"Yes, it did later. Neither Ramu uncle nor gardener uncle wore any locket and you were the only one left in the house. I was upset and thought I will never find my father but then I found you." She shook her head, her light blue eyes twinkling with joy.

"You don't seem to be angry with me at all. But it is true that you were upset with your father and had many things to complain about!" Siddharth asked her, getting curious.

"No, I am not upset with you anymore. Grandpa told me that you were looking after him because he is unwell so you couldn't stay with us. Whenever mumma or I fall ill, my nanny also comes to stay with us, leaving her family. Why will I be angry?" Sadhna's words sounded so innocent that I could only admire her.

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