Chapter 32

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Chapter 32


"The doctors' association is eagerly waiting for your response," I spoke rudely over the phone as I watched the first snowfall of the approaching winter from the window of my cabin. It was the beginning of the new year and the city of Siliguri experienced snowfalls during the time period.

"Madam, we have confirmed the meeting for the Sunday afternoon." My manager Thomas informed me.

"But I won't be available this Sunday. Make it either earlier this week or after I return." I ordered him.

"Where are you going so urgently? You have been working on the eco-friendly medicinal project for the past couple of years. The indigenous community of the Totos has entrusted you for their sustenance and you can't keep on postponing it." He was arguing with me. 

"I know what I am doing, Thomas. Even if I am not physically present at the meeting, it doesn't matter anyways. I will forward my works to you and you should look after it. What's the harm in it? Many doesn't know me in person and I don't appear in public most of the time." I chided him.

"I will see to it. Have a safe journey." Thomas disconnected the call.

'Many doesn't know me in person and I don't appear in public most of the time!'

The single sentence had been my mantra for the past five years. I did not take any step ahead to earn a name and fame in the public.

I had resigned my association with the government at Kolkata head office five years ago and shifted to Siliguri forever, only to become a doctor researching in medicines. I had even changed my number and other personal contacts so that nobody would be able to contact me. I was now associated with the local body meant for the doctors and was working for them. They accepted me in their office after they had seen my letter of posting five years ago.

I moved out of my cabin and locked the door behind me. The visiting hours of the clinic for the evening was over and I headed upstairs to my flat. I was staying as a tenant in a two-storeyed apartment in the main town of Siliguri, a famous hilly city of West Bengal.

I entered the medium sized living room and tumbled over a spherical object fallen on the floor. The lights to the room were switched off and things were most probably scattered around me.

"This little one will never listen to me." I chided, switching on the lights to the dark room.

Tiny hands encircled my waist all of a sudden and the owner of the little arms murmured in her mellow voice, "Don't panic mumma, I am there with you."

The little one was my lifeline, my four years old daughter. She had recently learnt her alphabet but she could pronounce many big words easily. She could even speak diligently in such a tender age and would also take care of me whenever I was in distress.

"You have been very naughty, baby." I scolded her, pulling her cheeks.

"I won't if you give me what I want." She hugged me as tightly as she could and I could feel her trembling lips against my tummy. Her light blue eyes were sore which meant she must have been sobbing throughout the evening.

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