Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

More than a week had passed without speaking much to each other except for a few formal conversations. I was timely feeding Mr. Singhania with his medicinal doses accompanied by diet food, distilled water and proper sleep. His health was visibly improving and Mr. Karthik used to meet us periodically for twice every single day.

Mr. Singhania would sometimes stay awake for fear of something at night, holding onto my palms to pacify his nerves in sleep, and when he used to wake up in my arms the next morning, he used to get surprised and asked for an apology. At other times, I used to find his eyes welling up in tears and his lips murmuring something, but whenever I questioned him, he used to avoid or ignore me.

Under my careful supervision and his capability of tolerating the high doses of medicines, he was speedily getting cured with the passing of each day. He could now stand on his limbs without support for a few minutes at a stretch and move about freely inside the room. The wound below the knees was almost healed and a new layer of the epidermis had emerged on the skin above.

His catheter was also withdrawn and most of the bandages on the upper part of his body was removed. A little portion of the bandages was left out and I had decided to do away with the last dressing very soon. Unlike other patients, Mr. Singhania was showing improvement more rapidly, signifying a positive development of our case.

The reason behind his fears, the hesitation with his phone calls or fiddling with his mobile after a call was still undiscovered. I always feared to enquire him because he would simply ignore me. Though I had discussed about the issue with Mr. Karthik, we both were clueless about it. He didn't want to enrage Mr. Singhania and adversely affect his health by stressing him with random interrogations. I also equally avoided piquing him with my silly curtness every now and then.

We were not much on talking terms until one fine day, I received a mysterious call on his phone. He was in the shower when his phone rang. It was from an unknown number and I hesitated to touch his personal mobile. But the cause of his hesitation and fiddling with his phone were still disturbing me at the back of my head, and I chose to commit the necessary crime.

My lips trembled as I mumbled over the speaker. "He..hello.."

"You are a murderer Siddharth Singhania, a bloody killer. Your life will be hell for making my life hell. You'll be ditched by your own people....and...."

Random derogatory threats flowed swiftly into my ear for the past two minutes before the call got disconnected on it's own. The skin of my palms ran terribly cold and a sharp chill rushed up my veins.

It was a male voice!

Mr. Singhania's fear was now clearly evident to me. The way the mysterious man spat in a broken voice, thrilling me dreadfully to such an extent, I realised why Mr. Singhania used to be so smitten by horror. It took me longer than two minutes to regain my senses from the sudden attack of spiteful words, drenching my skin with profuse sweat.

I could hear Mr. Singhania turning off the faucet, giving me hints of his reappearance any time. I needed to do something to reach to the mysterious caller before he moved out of the bathroom. What if the calls could give us certain hints of the suspicious attackers?

I hastily noted down the phone number in my notebook and replaced his mobile on the nightstand again. What I did next was to move to the window and stare outside in order to avoid his doubtful eyes on me, I mean in any case if he found out what I did a couple of minutes ago and chide me for no better reason.

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