Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Three days passed since the discovery of my pregnancy and Siddharth called me up again on the fourth day, causing me to almost yell over the phone, "You said you need only a couple of days and now it's six days at a stretch. I am missing you very badly."

"I am missing you too. Don't worry, we'll be returning on the day after tomorrow. We have successfully accomplished victory over the gunmen but, we are getting a little late because Sir has fallen ill."

"What happened to him?" I was getting nervous since Mr. Karthik was very close to me.

"He felt weak after the strenuous workload in the jungle. He was rushed to the hospital yesterday but has recovered now. We'll return to Kolkata a day after."

"Take care of him and yours too." I was feeling upset for Mr. Karthik.

"How are you? The weather is hotter nowadays." He asked me casually but it gave me goosebumps. I touched my baby bump and chuckled inwardly.

"I am happy and keeping well." I muttered, trying to hold my laughter.

"I am away from you and you are happy! This is not done, Sapna!"

"Yeah I am..." I wanted to tease him.

"Then from now on, I'll be staying away from you."

"Your anger is on the hike, Mr. Singhania. Please pull it lower!"

"I am going to take revenge from you with an added interest." He sounded witty. "You know what I mean!"

"You are very cunning, Siddharth!"

"I am but only for you. You compel me to turn wild each time we make love."

"I hate you my wild animal!" I grinned cheerfully.
"I hate you too but I am dying to make love to you." He emphasised on the last part playfully.

"You need to return home for that!"

"I will, my love." His voice became serious. "I'm returning in a day and we'll be together again. I love you."

"I love you too." I reciprocated before disconnecting the call.

The fruitful result of our love making was healthily breeding inside my womb by an inch daily because I was providing nourishment to our priceless possession. I had a new companion to talk to even without Siddharth and all my dreams had come true with the baby inside me. With the advent of our new happiness, I seemed to be complete.

I sent prayers to my parents in heaven, telling them that their daughter was safe in their son-in-law's arms and that I was going to become a mother very soon. They would be becoming grandparents and my family would also be complete.

I went to the kitchen to cook something for me during the lunch hours. Becoming a mother was a matured feeling in itself and I was ready to take up every responsibility for my child. I sat relishing the food when someone barged into the hallway and threw herself right next to me on the couch, weeping profusely.

"You are here with your crocodile tears again! Your romantic lover died long ago but are you still hovering over it?" I yelled at Kiran. I was unaware of her new intentions since she could try anything to seek for chances to enter our bungalow anytime.

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