Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

He was clutching my waist with all his might as I rubbed his tousled hair. He was seeking comfort in me and I was giving him. I could feel his shaking fists clenching against my hips, fighting a desperate battle against some unknown grief which I was unable to comprehend.

A lone tear trickled down from his face along my little exposed cleavage though the stole was covered halfway above my tank top. I shifted my mobile torch next to his face and witnessed his sore eyes. Mists of agony was definitely troubling him but I didn't know the cause of his pains.

Tears were dripping his sharp eyes and I experienced a pang of sympathy cutting across my chest. He laid his head next to my bosom and allowed me to caress his hair. His chest was touching mine laterally and I could feel his heartbeat pounding heavily against my skin. He was running short of breath and needed a little time to compose his nerves.

I waited to shift him to the bed so that he could take rest for his wounds to heal in time. But his hold onto me was too tight to be detached, compelling me to remain fixated in the same position for some time.

As we remained frozen together, I slightly tilted my head and looked in the direction of the bedside table. There were some medicines and a paper adjacent to it, which I guessed to be the doctor's prescription. Being a doctor, I was aware of the right amount of doses he required for his illness to be cured, but I didn't know the right amount of comfort he needed for his pain to be mitigated. Thus, I chose to patiently wait for his fear to subside.

We were sitting in the same position for quite some time, listening to the sound of the ticking clock ceaselessly. Many minutes had passed before I felt his chest relaxing and heartbeat slackening, the peak of rapid breathing decreasing and his nerves were sedating back to normal.

I brought the mobile closer and stared into his face again. His eyes were tightly shut though he had his arms engulfing me. He was inhaling deeper breaths, his body fast asleep. I eventually moved from our positions and he loosened his grip in sleep. Wrapping my arms around his shoulders, I pushed him lightly to rest his back against the wall behind us.

I shifted myself to reach for the medicines on the table. Quickly glancing through the prescription, I grabbed the tranquillisers at first. The doctor had already prescribed him sedatives but his condition had turned severe only because he wasn't supplied with the night dose in time.

With a glass of water in my hand, I cupped his cheeks softly, parted his cracked lips and plunged the right sedative into his mouth. He gobbled it in his semi-conscious state and fell into deep slumber again. I smiled for having performed my duty for the night, but was infuriated for the negligence of the doctors-in-charge.

I glanced at the time in my mobile and it was already half past one. I was not ready to leave Mr. Singhania in such a pathetic condition. Snuggling beside him, I sat with my knees stretched, my shoulder touching his arm and my back dashing against the wall.

It wouldn't be wrong to admit that I was there as his protector and wouldn't let any harm affect him when I'm around him. Wondering on the miserable case of Mr. Singhania, I didn't realize when I had fallen asleep beside him, my head resting on his firm shoulder and arm snaking around his waist.



A light pat on my shoulder broke my sleep and I snapped open my eyes. Mr. Karthik was staring down at me, daylight shining brightly around us. I was taken aback when I saw Mr. Singhania had already been replaced on the bed and the embarrassment stung me more than before when I recalled our position in sleep during the previous night.

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