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The breaking news of an attempted murder on the renowned billionaire Siddharth Singhania spread like wildfire through the city of joy, Kolkata. Singhania had been making headlines for weeks after securing a substantial monetary grant from the United Kingdom for his efforts in building a casino empire across India. Friends, foes, and customers—gamblers—had been chasing his fortune since then, a veritable wild goose chase.

Siddharth Singhania, the handsome, twenty-eight-year-old gambler-turned-casino-owner, had been surviving on a ventilator at City Hospital for the past three days. He was shot twice—once near his right shoulder, above the chest, and once in his left limb, below the knee. Doctors were doing everything in their power to save him, while his fans clung to hope for his recovery.

Karthik Ghoshal, the head of the National Security Department, headquartered in Kolkata, had been Siddharth's well-wisher for years. However, the undiscovered truth behind Karthik's concern was Siddharth's secret profession. For the past four years, Siddharth had been working as an undercover agent under Karthik, helping to unravel heinous crimes and apprehend notorious terrorists threatening the country's security.

Karthik took a keen interest in solving the case of the vile gunshots, looking to hire someone honest to unravel the mysteries and ensure Siddharth's recovery. He needed to save one of his bravest officers and imprison the mastermind behind the atrocious crime.

Desperate to find someone who could nurse Siddharth through his medical emergency and complete his secret mission, Karthik faced numerous challenges. The case was riddled with loopholes, leaving almost no clues behind. While the police and inquiry team hunted for evidence, Karthik carried out his own furtive investigation.

The media swarmed Karthik as he waited at the city hospital to visit his ailing secret agent, bombarding him with questions.

"Sir, you are the security head. What do you think who might be behind the crime?" One of the reporters shot his question at Mr. Karthik.

"We're not sure. We're still looking for the culprit," Karthik replied, his voice low.

"But Sir, we've never seen you visit anyone personally. Why are you here for Mr. Singhania?" another journalist queried.

"Do you know him personally?" questions kept flying at Karthik.

Trying to avoid the barrage, Karthik struggled to maintain his composure. A large crowd had gathered outside the hospital.

"Siddharth has been my client for years and trusts me immensely. I can't leave him alone in his hard times. No more questions, please." Karthik shook his head, clearly conflicted.

Gaining permission from the police, who had arranged high-profile security around the hospital, Karthik made his way inside. The doctors informed him that Siddharth had been moved to the intensive care unit and his condition was critical.

"In any case, he must be saved. We can't afford to lose a gem like him," Karthik said gravely.

"How can a gambler be a gem?" Karthik overheard the families of other patients whispering.

"He owns casinos, but that doesn't make him a gambler. He funds many NGOs and organizations for the poor. He runs casinos to drain black money from the rich and distribute it to the needy," Karthik snapped in a gruff voice.

Later that day, the doctor handling Siddharth's case approached Karthik in a confined corner of the hospital corridor.

"The surgery was successful, but the patient is still critical. We'll keep him under observation for a few more hours and supply blood if necessary. Don't panic." The doctor returned to the operation theatre.

By evening, Karthik received permission to visit Siddharth, who had been moved to the general ward from the ICU. His condition had improved slightly.

Karthik approached Siddharth's bed. Siddharth lay with his operated foot in a sling and his upper body carefully bandaged.

"Well and good, Siddharth?" Karthik asked, brushing his palm across Siddharth's wrist.

"I don't feel better at all, Sir," Siddharth replied, trying to adjust himself.

"Don't move. It won't help," Karthik said, adjusting Siddharth's pillow.

After a few moments of silence, Karthik asked, "Did you see who attacked you?"

"No, or he'd be dead by now," Siddharth's stern reply pleased Karthik. Despite the dangerous attack, Siddharth's confidence remained unshaken.

"Compose yourself. It's not easy to catch the murderer. He's been eluding us for a year. We need to lay a trap," Karthik said, worry etched on his face.

"And how will you do that?" Siddharth asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Leave it to me. Just know I'm your well-wisher. Recover quickly so you can leave this place soon." Karthik gave Siddharth a light pat on the arm before walking away.

Seated at his desk early the next morning, Karthik pondered deeply. "I'm not sure if this is the best plan, but it's worth a try. I hope she won't refuse my proposal."

Reaching for his smartphone, he made a call and scheduled an appointment for that evening. A pale smile spread across Karthik's face as he patiently awaited the meeting.

To be continued...

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