Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

"Are you the doctor to my father? I haven't seen you at the rehabilitation centre earlier," Vaibhav asked me, passing over the coffee mug towards me as we sat across each other at the round table in the less crowded cafeteria.

Vaibhav possessed black eyeballs, unlike Siddharth who portrayed attractive blue ones to fascinate me towards his charming features. Siddharth's cousin looked very young, a boy who had just graduated college and living the life of a free bachelor. 

"I have taken up the case of your father and he is getting his treatment at his own bungalow." I quickly initiated the rightful discussion and showed him the copies of Mr. Dushyant's discharge papers.

"At his bungalow? You mean? Is it in the Singhania villa? Siddharth is also staying there, isn't it?" His mouth gaped wide and I wilfully nodded, finishing with the coffee in one long sip. 

"He is and you must have heard that there was a murderous attempt caused to his life?"

"Didn't he get saved some how? How did my father reach his place? He hates Siddharth way too much." He scoffed, snorting his nose in disgust while uttering Siddharth's name each time.

"Your father needs the home environment to get cured, I mean every psychiatric patient needs so. But why am I getting this instinct that you too hate Siddharth as much as your father does?" I already knew that he hated Siddharth but I wanted to hear it from him.

"I HATE him... He was a black spot to our family... He should have been dead by now..." Vaibhav confessed it, fuelling the rage in me.

I slammed my palms against the table top, banging it as hard as I could before hollering in a loud voice, "He should have died earlier after leaving you to sweep the streets and clean the gutters!"

Vaibhav rested his elbows on the table top before speaking in a calm voice, "Your actions and words are meaningless, doctor. I'm a well established engineer and I don't need to clean the streets or gutters like that illiterate cousin of mine."

"He's illiterate because he donated this charity to you long ago, getting you literate and making you an honest man in life. But it seems he has failed miserably in his duty as an elder brother."

"You are trying to humiliate me. Don't forget that you are the one to call me here. I don't have time to listen to the fake praises of Siddharth."

"Why do I strongly feel that you are the real culprit behind the attack? You have been in Kolkata for the past few days and your father doesn't even know it. Why are the evidences showing against you?"

"Why are you being so impractical? Why will I try to kill him when I've got no interest in him? I don't even care if he is alive or dead..." Vaibhav strictly refused, furrowing his forehead. "I don't like telling my father much about my hectic work schedule because he gets worried for me. Lastly, if I tell him that I am in Kolkata, he will urge to stay with me, but I stay in office quarters where families aren't allowed."

"No Vaibhav, you do have reasons to kill Siddharth for all the crimes he has committed in his life so far. He's nurtured you since childhood, slept on pavements and worked his sweat and blood for providing you food and clothing, got into the gambling profession he hated the most only for your bright future."

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