Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Sitting on the comfy couch by the window of Mr. Singhania's room, I grabbed some magazines on health and hygiene. I was going through it to kill the time but accidentally fell asleep out of fatigue. I didn't get a comfortable sleep the previous night and my head was aching a little. 

I hurriedly woke up when there was a loud knock on the door. It was already half past two of the afternoon as I took a glance at the clock, worried for Mr. Singhania's safety. He was already awake and sitting upright on the bed. My heart skipped a beat the moment I saw him perfectly fine. I was already regretting for taking that short nap without keeping my protective eyes on him when he was asleep.

There was a loud knock again and my eyes met Mr. Singhania's. We both were gaping at each other, horror creeping up for the person behind the door. I cautioned myself against opening the door before judging whosoever was behind it. The murderer was lurking around to kill Mr. Singhania and would approach him in any disguised attire.

An another loud bang left us in a terrifying situation and I hid behind the wall next to the doorframe. Things were tensing up inside the room until the man on the other side spoke, "Sir, your lunch is ready." 

It was Kamal and we breathed a sigh of relief. Mr. Singhania first grinned at me and then answered, "You lay the tables, we're approaching in five minutes." 

I gawked at his silly grin. He couldn't even imagine my fear, my heart already getting stuck for a second. I was bestowed with somebody's life to keep it safe and a little negligence would cost things more than he could imagine. I would die a hundred deaths for the casualty caused due to my carelessness. I was a doctor by profession and could not afford to be so insensible to put my client's life at stake. This would render me guilty of myself.

"Are you done happily grinning so that we can move to the dining?" I annoyingly remarked, not liking the fact that he was grinning when I was so tensed for his welfare. 

"You seem to be losing your patience quite hastily." He seethed and tried to vigorously move out of the bed. I ran towards him and caught hold of his arms to prevent him from falling. 

"What are you doing, Mr. Singhania? A little negligence on your part can cost you your life. Can't you ask me for help?" I blurted out, trying to tighten my grip on him. 

He shoved my hands away and sounded harsh. "You don't seem to be comfortable with me and I don't mind as well. I'll consult Sir to get you replaced."

His direct chiding felt like insulting arrows shooting at me in seconds. It was as if he had questioned my professional dignity, doubting my abilities for not being able to keep up to his desires. 

"Are you in any way doubting my capabilities?" I was straightforward to ask, feeling humiliated to a great extent.

"Yes I am doubting you. You are someone whose eyes get clamped in fear with the sound of a knock, how will you protect me? I was sleeping and I couldn't have protected myself, right?" He seemed to be dissatisfied with me.

"I was taking a nap and woke up with a jerk when it happened. I'm sorry but it doesn't mean I'm incapable." I apologized, knowing that I was at fault. I shouldn't have slept through the afternoon after leaving him asleep. He always sounded harsh but he had a valid point whenever he spoke. His unique attitude was compelling me to admire him. 

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