Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Mr. Karthik carried a sleeping Siddharth to his room while I fetched Mr. Dushyant upstairs. He was only acquainted with me and needed time to get friendly with Mr. Karthik. One of the guest rooms was arranged for him and he was staring at everything attentively, startled by the archaic view of the Singhania's bungalow.

"I have been here before, doctor. I have spend many days here." He clutched my palms and yelled on the top of his voice.

"This is your home, Mr. Dushyant. I promised you I would take you to your family. I kept my promise," I told him with a smile, brushing my right palm against his.

"You are such a nice woman. Are you also staying in this house? Has my family brought you here? Are you married to my son?" He asked me out of sheer curiosity.

"Your son?"

"Yes Vaibhav," he replied in a gentle tone, giving me indifferent vibes.

He had a son named Vaibhav who must be Siddharth's cousin. I thought if I fetched Mr. Dushyant to Siddharth's bungalow, he would feel at home. It was a strange discovery that he had a son and used to live in the same house. I didn't know the whereabouts of Siddharth's parents or any of his siblings, but his uncle's family was revealed before us.

"No I am... I am your doctor and I am going to stay here. Take ample of rest and wait for your family to approach you anytime. I kept my promise of bringing you home, I'll even keep the other promises too," I assured him, patting his shoulder.

"I know you will bring them to me, doctor," He said and lied down on the cushioned bed in the room.

"I have an uncle whose name is Mr. Karthik, he will be looking after you. He is a nice person and kind of doctor too." I made up stories to convince him to stay with Mr. Karthik while arranging his belongings into the cupboard.

"Won't you be there?" He asked, shaking his head reluctantly.

"I will come by to see you the whole day but he's the one who will stay with you. I am a doctor and I have many duties, isn't it?" I said raising my eyebrow and his eyes seemed getting convinced. "Look over there, there are so many books for you to read them in your leisure." 

I saw him nodding his head while gazing at the book shelves. "I will, doctor. I've met your uncle today. He is definitely a nice person. He drove us all the way here."

"I will inform my uncle to join you for the dinner." I declared before leaving the room, hurrying all my way to Siddharth's room.

The effect of sleeping pills on Siddharth's body would expire anytime and he would wake up at a glance. It would be worse if he failed to find me next to him and would pester Mr. Karthik with all his rude remarks.


I heard Mr. Karthik's loud voice from outside Siddharth's room, and when I barged inside, I found Mr. Karthik trying to pacify Siddharth. He had already woken up from sleep and was seated on the bed with crossed legs, his elbows resting on the pillow over his lap.

The moment Siddharth heard my footsteps, he looked in my direction at once, pulling me towards the edge of the bed and gripping my wrist. "Where have you been, Sapna?" How can you leave me alone when you promised to always be by my side?"

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