Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

The big hallway was devoid of any noise as we moved out of Siddharth's room as early as possible. Mr. Karthik's face looked unusually grave when we reached him and the other guests were also maintaining silence. It was only Kiran who seemed as she always was, passing me an angry glare without fail every time our eyes met.

"Sir, is there anything wrong?" Siddharth asked Mr. Karthik, exchanging doubtful glances with me.

Mr. Karthik moved near Siddharth and rested his palm on his shoulder. "I have caught hold of something, what if the attacker himself!"

My ears couldn't believe what Mr. Karthik was saying but I wanted to burst out laughing at his poor joke. "Are you kidding in such a serious matter, Mr. Karthik?"

"I hope you aren't joking this time?" Siddharth was himself confused with Mr. Karthik.

"I don't think so. I will only joke with your babies and not with you." Mr. Karthik winked at us. I wanted to oppose him but pinched my lips together, considering the seriousness of the situation.

I saw Siddharth smiling with what Mr. Karthik had said and he continued, "Sir, you can think of my babies later. First tell me if you have really found something worthwhile or not?"

"Look around in case you find any hint. I may tell you after that." Mr. Karthik was still continuing with the fun while we were turning impatient.

Siddharth and I rotated our eyes in all directions to identify if there was any clue hidden for us. For a moment, I almost thought if we were playing a treasure hunt game until something struck my eyes. One of the security members was holding the similar dragon jacket that both the attacker and Vikki had worn.

"I got it..." I almost yelled, jumping on my toes and Siddharth caught hold of my waist.

"Be careful Sapna, you will hurt yourself again." He warned while I pointed my finger at the man.

I screamed, "Look at him, Siddharth. He is holding the similar dragon jacket..."

Siddharth immediately looked in the direction of my forefinger while Mr. Karthik praised me. "You definitely possess a great observation skill, Mrs. Singhania."

Siddharth snatched the jacket from his hand, looking at it carefully. "From where did you get it?"

I shrugged, nodding my head in confusion while the guests were also turning impatient. Siddharth urged everyone to disclose the matter as soon as possible without making him wait any further.

Mr. Karthik finally opened his mouth with a light grin. "In Vaibhav's luggage..."

Our eyelids stretched wider in shock of a traumatic stress as this was something very much out of expectations for us. It was definitely heartbreaking for Siddharth because he had looked after his younger brother  since childhood and nurtured him like any father would. He could have never hoped for such kind of a betrayal coming from Vaibhav. Though I had already suspected on Vaibhav earlier, the thought was equally troubling for me.

"VAIBHAV?" Siddharth's mouth gaped in anguish, not able to recover from the sudden mental tremor. "This is simply impossible, Sir!"

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