Chapter 39 (His POV) (Blockbuster)

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Chapter 39

** Siddharth's POV **

Sapna and I wriggled with our tongues, our flames already igniting with the unravelling of the mysteries and rekindling of our hibernating love. The gap of the barren five years had really sent our passion into hibernation but we were again together after bridging all the differences between us. How could I have let her go without making love to her!

I laid her down on the bed and gently rubbed her cheeks with the tips of my thumbs while our lips remained interlocked. I was caressing her delicate skin while she kept her hold on my tousled hair tightly. Slowly parting from her lips, my tongue traversed down to her nape, her audible moans losing me into her delicate posture.

I slid down her upper garments gradually while leaving tantalising kisses all over her smooth body, tracing the outline of her mushy skin. She was as heavenly as she was five years ago and it seemed as if we were experiencing everything again for the first time.

She helped me remove the jacket and the shirt I was wearing and blended her own curves into mine before proceeding to inch the gap between us. For the next hour, we made love as if it was our first. She was intact in the same way as she was on her very first time and I was driven into the divine pleasure of her desires. She was wanting more from me and I was giving her. Her timely moans which were escaping from her lips were acting as my charge booster to make more love to her.

I was twisting and churning her delicacies as if she was my morsel and I was like an hungry lion who hadn't eaten for days. She was whimpering pleasurably, urging me to whisk her more than ever. The atmosphere of the room was already heated up with our amorous mingle and our temperature had risen considerably.

With our perfect unity, all our pains, complaints and yearnings were forgotten forever. I tried to keep myself gentle all the time I was into her and she kept reminding me that it wasn't her first. She was very much comfortable with it and we together journeyed our beautiful ride blissfully.



I was sleeping next to Sapna on the bed, our bare bodies already clinging onto each other. Her head was on my chest and we both were gasping for breath satisfactorily. We had missed each other so much that this little mingle couldn't have been prevented easily.

I kissed her forehead and whispered panting heavily. "I love you, my sweetheart."

She nodded slightly. "I love you too."

"Did you enjoy it?"

"It was heavenly."

"I had missed you badly, love."

We both shared a deep savouring kiss once again before dressing up and leaving the room together. We were now in a hurry to visit Sir's room and declare the news of our reconciliation to him.


When we reached Sir's room, I saw my little angel sitting on the bed with Sir and continuously chattering with him. She was telling him some fairy tales and about all the stories she had heard or read in her school. Sapna and I stood outside the door, watching them in amazement and discussing with each other.

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