Chapter 7

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They had this thing where they liked to call people on three way.

That way they could always have a good laugh if things did not go right.

The main thing they had in common is that they loved to run their mouths.

Kandii knew to stay quiet.

She heard when Mrs.  Brown came on the line.

Mrs. Brown was Nita’s boyfriend’s, mother.

Nita's man was named James Brown.

Kandii never understood why someone would name their child James Brown.

She guessed it wouldn't' be a big deal. 

Yet, he was named after "The James Brown" which was comical to her. 

"Heyyy Mama James!"  Nita cooed.

"Yeah chile?”

Mama James said in her deep voice.

As, if to say what the hell you want now.

"I was wondering if you wanted to see your grand babies."

Nita rolled her eyes. 

Thinking how she hated having, to ask her for a favor.

Now Mrs. James was not hardly old she was only fifty.

At times, she liked to talk like an old ass field hand.

Then in the next breath talk as if she was Twenty-one.

The woman was a trip.

"Well I wouldn’t mind seeing them.

For how long though sugar?"  She asked.

Nita bit her bottom, lip wondering if overnight would be asking too much.

"How about over night?

 “It’s Friday she rushed on.

  They don’t have school tomorrow." 

“Humph!”  Mama James scoffed.

“Well I could keep them until Sunday if…”

All Nita heard was Sunday.

She was instantly excited about the prospect of a kid free weekend.

"If you can give Mama James a bit of money."

“See... I was going to go on a casino bus tour to Detroit this Sunday.

 My pocketbook is very light... If you know what I mean.

Nita rolled her eyes upwards.

Mrs. James was as money hungry as they came.

"How about a couple hundred dollars?

Will that be okay?"

 The line was so quiet she had to pull the cell from her ear and make sure the call had not dropped.

"Well a couple hundred sounds good to me."

Mama James said quickly.

“Drop them off whenever sugar.”


Thank you Mrs. James.”

Not wanting to prolong the conversation Nita clicked her out of the conference.

Then checked her phone to make sure she hung up correctly.

You can get caught up that way.

Trust that.  She knew it!


Nita yelled.  She a greedy heifer right?”

“Hell yeah.”  Kandii agreed.

"So, we got the weekend.

What do you want to do?" 

“Vegas baby!”  Nita said loudly.

 Kandii cracked up.

"Bitch you got Vegas money?"

“Hell naw. Nita said.  But I got plastic.”

"Shit I got plastic too Kandii said." 

"Book it then.”  Nita giggled.

They ended they call with Nita yelling for her twin sons to get their shit packed.

Copyright © 2013


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