Chapter 53

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Kandii opened her eyes slowly.  She squinted when her eyes were assaulted with a bright light.  To damn bright.  It felt as if her eyes were going to explode.  She quickly closed her eyes, knowing exactly where she was.  The fucking hospital.

The real question was, how long had she been there.  "I guess I'm not dead she whispered."

"On the contrary Miss Williams, you are indeed alive and well."

The sound of his voice startled her, making her eyes fly open only to have her retina’s burned once again.  She knew that voice.  Dr.Reyonald's.  

Fucking perfect.  Not only was she in the Hospital that she worked in, apparently her boss was also her Doctor.

"Eh, Mr.Reyonld' long have I been here?"  

“What’s wrong with me; give it to me straight I can take it.”  She scooted herself up and turned her face out of the direct sun.  She waited patiently for him to answer her.  

He was a young Doctor.  Just under thirty.  She knew that he preferred General Practices.  He didn't have a specialty.  In all actuality, he was brilliant and could have chosen any specific field but he wanted to serve the public.

He was of Cuban decent, and very handsome in a Gomez Adams Kinda way.

He laughed.  "Well Kandii, I must say that I was shocked to see you.  Surprised is an understatement even."  He continued.  Telling her that he was aware that she had been "ill and he just the term lightly.'  

She knew that without her makeup her soft bruises were peeking through.  She also knew that he would give her the standard line of questioning.  She wanted to avoid all of that shit.

This was her boss and she had suffered enough embarrassment for a lifetime.  At least that is how she felt.  So, before he got into all of the extra shit she interrupted him.


Please... before you get to asking me things, let me just tell you.  My face is slightly bruised still from the fall I took last week.  I'm so clumsy... and you know I haven't been feeling well.  I've been battling this flu for a few weeks now and I guess I'm off of my game."

"There is no one attacking me, I live alone and yes it’s safe."  She smiled at him.

His thick eyebrows raised up and a smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. Kandii had heard that he was a hard ass but she had never witnessed it.  Any time that their paths had crossed was a pleasant one.  Maybe it was just her coworkers exaggerating.

Still, she worried about being fired.  LaNelle the head nurse had given her allot of shit when she called in to take off extra time.  She even threatened her on the low.  Mentioning how Kandii might not be able to come back if she continued to take mini leaves of absences.

"Kandii, I know that since you’re a nurse you know the drill.  You also know that I'm still going to ask you questions."

Kandii held in a sigh and spent the next ten minutes answering all of his bullshit questions.  Once he was finished, she asked him again what was wrong with her and how long she'd been in there.  While she loved working at Hoft General Hospital, she didn't want to be there as a patient.  Too many bitches in her business.

He looked at her and then looked at the chart he carried.

"Kandii you suffered a severe anxiety attack.  The pain you felt in your chest was not a heart attack but a small contraction.  When the E.M.T's arrived, you were unconscious.  You had fainted."

"Wait... anxiety?"  She was baffled.

"Yes Kandii.  People often mistake the signs and symptoms of Anxiety/Panic attacks as heart attacks.  The pain. The shortness of breath.”

"Have you been more stressed out then normal?  Stress is a huge contributor to anxiety.  Have you experienced any heart palpitation's... or adrenaline rushes for no given reason?"

Kandii didn't know what to say.

"I... guess... but I just wrote it off as nothing. I am OK though right.  Do I need medication or something?"  She stared at him damn near on the verge of tears.  

God she needed someone to talk to.

"Possibly, but it would have to be a very low dose.  I don't want it stunting or interfering with the fetus's growth."  

“You might just need to take it easy and try to eliminate as much stress as you can.”  He looked at her and jumped to her side when he saw her head lying limp to the side.

"Kandii... Kandii," he called out her name as he shook her shoulders lightly.  

“Are you OK?  I think you fainted again.  Is this normal for you?  

Do you often faint Kandii?"  His face displayed genuine concern.

"You said..Fetus. As in baby."

"Well yes, you are about 10 weeks in.  I am sure you... he stopped and looked at the stunned expression on her face.  Oh, you didn't know then?"

"Well congratulations!"

"I'm pregnant," She whispered.

"Yes, I’d say so."

"For real?"

He laughed.  "Yes for real, we did a urine and blood tests.  Standard stuff you know, and to confirm it we also gave you an ultra sound.  I can maybe drum up a picture, if I can find the technician."

"To answer your other question, you have been here for two days."  You were dehydrated.  So, that flu that you thought you had was probably just morning sickness."

“.... But I didn't get sick in the morning... It was. Random night time and day time."

"Yeah, ironic isn't it?  That it would be calling morning sickness, when allot of women actually get sick at night.  Anyway, Kandii you will be fine, in fact, you can leave today and I have taken the liberty to give you another week off.  Paid.  So, just try to relax.  Your one of my best Nurse's and I do want you to come back."

"LaNelle... told me that if I miss any more days that...”

She didn't get a chance to finish, he quickly reminded her that he was the boss.  He smiled at her, congratulated her again, and informed her to get dressed, that someone would be in with her discharge papers soon.  Then she'd be free to go.

Once Dr.Reyonald's was gone, she did cry.  Only this time it was happy tears.  A baby!  A fucking baby!  Of her own!  How many times did she wish she would get pregnant when she was with Devin.  How many pregnancy tests did she buy in secret, when she was just a day late?

That had always been her secret.  Devin never knew how badly she wanted children.  She frowned.  

Devin.  She was going to have her ex Husbands baby.  He already had one on the way.  A boy.  His first child.  Her happy tears quickly turned into tears of sorrow.

“Well, fuck Devin.”

He made it clear that he didn't want her.  Fuck everyone she thought. She patted her still flat tummy.  "Me and you baby... just us, we don't need anyone now do we?"  She murmured.  Right then and there she decided to tell no-one about her pregnancy.  This was her baby.  Her happy moment and no one was gonna fuck it up!

Nita crossed her mind briefly.  Oh, that bitch would be handled!  She had to figure out a way. She wouldn't fight her and risk harm to her baby.  The old Ghetto Kandii was still in her but she was really trying to change her ways.  She'd get that bitch.  Kandii nodded satisfied.

She'd get all of them bitches.  Fuck them!  She was tired of trying to be what other people wanted her to be.  The more she grew into her Womanhood, the more shade motherfuckers threw at her.  




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