Chapter 21

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Devin stood up slowly and placed his hands on his lower back.

Leaning to the side, he stretched deeply.

"Ahhh much better."

Devin decided that he needed to get some fresh air. Marko hadn't been around since they argued two weeks ago, although he did pay the rent.

“I miss my buddy. Time for me to be the bigger man.”  Devin said to himself.

He searched through his papers until he found his phone.  He would have to remember to clean off his desk.  It was getting out of hand.

"Hey man what’s up?

Long time no see! Did you move out?” He joked.

"Sup."  Marko said in a bored tone of voice.

Devin ignored it.

"Can’t call it.

I been in this house way too long. Want to go and shoot some hoops?"

"I don't know.”

"Damn is it that bad man? Okay, well how about some hoops and dinner.

Dinners on me."

"On you?" Marko laughed.

"How you know how to get me man? Nigga can’t turn down a free meal.”

Devin chuckled.  “Just meet me out front fool.”

“Whose ride are we taking man?”  Marko asked Devin.

"Hmm well it doesn't really matter."  Devin said.

"We will take mine then.”  Marko said.

Once the duo had gotten into the car Devin instantly started to chat.

"I might have been too hard on you.  I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry man.

I’ve been stuck in this house working my ass off."  Devin explained.

"Its OK, we all have them days right?"

"Man Marko I’ve been having allot of them days."

I have some good news though."

"You got some pussy?"  Marko laughed.

"I wish man.”  Devin said as he playfully punched Marko in his arm.

“That possible client I had.  She no longer a possible. She’s my client.”

Devin slightly pulled his shoulders back and puffed out his chest some.

All, of his hard work was finally paying off.

"That's great my dude! Will this make you allot of money or something?”

"Hell yea.”  Devin said as he turned in his seat.

“It is only a year contract but the pay is awesome. Seventy-five grand!”

Marko had a knee jerk reaction. Causing him to slam on the brakes.

"Seventy what the fuck grand?   Yo man.  That's serious right there!”

Devin beamed.

“I'm finally making a name for myself.

He tapped the steering wheel. Drive man. Before people start honking,” he laughed.

"Shit!"  Marko cursed as he started to drive again.

“How is that even possible? I don't want to be a dick but I remember you building whole web sites for like two hundred bucks.”


Devin nodded. “Most of those had pre layouts. I just added in some coding.  Nothing to fancy. Hell I usually added more then what they asked of me. Hoping that word of mouth would propel me to the top.”

"Uh huh.”  Marko said as he turned into the park.

"Alright this might be hard for you to follow. You know I’m a self-proclaimed nerd.”  Devin happily said.

"I'll do my best. Im beyond curious now."  Marko smiled sideways.


“She doesn't want a basic website aka a template's one.  She wants one from scratch. Therefore, I will be the one creating her domain name.  I’ll get her host and servers together.

All, the imaging will be done by me. So, I’ll use Photoshop, adobe flash, 3dmax. To create her some bad ass image illusions. Then I’ll code it. Every letter, number down to the font will be my doing. I'll use html,sql etc. On top of that, I'm creating her a custom software that's 100% exclusive. All, of her employee's will have access to the basic parts of the program.

"Still with me?"  Devin looked at him.

"Fuck no.”  Marko laughed.

 “It sounds like a lot of shit to do man.”

"It is.” Devin agreed.

“I'll have to contract out some help. I plan to look locally for people with the skill set I need. If this goes well man, I can hire my own team permanently.  If I get a great recommendation from her, and advertise on my site. I will be set.”

"Well who is Ms. Money bags?  Hell I need to be seeing her.”

"I don't know exactly."

"Wait… how don't you know exactly?"

"All of our meetings have been though email or via the phone."

"Get this man, her voice is like silk. I never heard anything so sweet in my life.”  Devin smiled, remembering her sexy voice.

"Shit, she had your dick pointing to the heavens huh?"

"Man….. Devin dragged out a ragged breath.

Would you believe me if I told you I started to stutter?”

"Oh hell naw man, not the phone bone voice!"

"Yes sir!"

“Actually we have a phone meeting in a few hours.  I can’t hardly wait.”

"I bet you can’t, nasty ass nigga probably going to be stroking your dick on the low!"

Devin cracked up. "I'll try to refrain from that.  If my hand heads that way I'll slam my other head in the desk drawer."

"Man you’re a trip!"

"Of course, now let’s go hoop."

Devin jumped out of the car all shits and giggles.  Life was good right now.

Hell, life was awesome!

Copyright © 2013


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