Chapter 46

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Kandii was so happy when they pulled into a parking lot 30 minutes later.  The twins constant yapping and her cousin on the phone, was enough to drive her crazy.  

She looked at the shabby brick building that they were parked behind.  Great.  Another hole in the wall bullshit club.  Kandii opened the car door and got out.  She saw people milling around and chit chatting next to vehicles.

After everyone was out of the car, including on pissed off looking Nita.  Kandii walked straight to the entrance, not waiting on the rest of the group.  The sooner this night began, the sooner the shit could be done with.  

"Damn cuzzo, wait for us,"  TT yelled.  Kandii stood next to the door and rolled her eyes.

"So what is this place?"  Nita asked TT.  

“Gurl, what you think it is?  It’s a club.”  The twins giggled as expected and Nita frowned.

"Yeah, I got that.  I want to know the name and type of club it is.  Is it that hard to tell me?"  Now, TT was the one with a frown on her face.

"Excuse me boo?  Best watch that tone, TT ain't the one.  She then looked over at Kandii.   You need to check ya friend and let her know that I ain't the one cuzzo."  

“Damn.”  Kandii silently cursed.  TT was notorious for saying the same thing twice and Kandii knew that Nita wouldn't put up with that shit.  This night was looking more and more grim. Deciding to ignore her cousin, Kandii instead asked what the name of the club was. The tension was already high and no one even had a drink yet.


"Hookers?” Kandii's lips turned sideways.  

“Uh... so?  What does that mean exactly?  I mean I ain't no hoe TT.  Is this like...”

She did not even know what to ask.   Leave it to TT to even know a spot like this existed.

“Well... what’s the crowd like?”  She could see that TT was irritated already.  Fuck this she thought.  After she had a few drinks in her she wouldn't give a shit what kind of place it was.

"Gah!  It is called Hookers because people come here and kick it ya know.  If you see something, you like you take it home.  Really, it’s nice as fuck inside though.  Even yo bougie ass will like it.  Now, before I get all the way pissed off...lets go in.  Oh, yeah and unlike most places you can smoke in this bitch!"

“Hold up,” Nita said.  

"We can smoke in there?  Well then, I don't give a shit what the name of this place is called.  There is nothing like sipping on your drink and puffing on a ciggy.

I'm in,” she excitedly said as she walked to the entrance.

“Aye she might not be so bad.”  TT grinned.

"Lets get it y'all!"  

Everyone followed behind her as she opened the double steel doors.  Once inside there was a small entrance and other steel door.  TT knocked on it and it immediately opened.  A tall heavyset man asked for their id's then stamped their hands.

"Have fun," he said as he stepped aside and opened yet another door.

“Oh shit!!  This place is live,” Christal said.

 "Ima go to the bar." 

“Let's all go get a drink.” TT suggested.  

Kandii looked around and was pleasantly surprised.  Strobe lighting was everywhere.  The DJ was on point and the place was wall to wall packed.  There didn't seem to be an upper level, which was fine by her.  All in the entire place was still huge.  They had to walk across a massive wooden dance floor to get to the c shaped bar.  Kandii danced all the way to it.

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