Chapter 15

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Marko whistled, as he continued-to explore the unit.

“My nigga,

This is like a duplicate of yours,” he said excitedly.

“Yeah I know.

When I was considering buying mine, I found out that this unit existed.

You know me man.

 I can’t have just anybody living next to me.”

“Yeah I feel you there.”

"So what made you decide to buy both?”  Marko asked.

"Actually it was cheaper So, I felt like I was getting a great deal.

Then on top of that, I could rent it out.

That makes it priceless.”  Devin explained to him.

Marko rocked on his heels.

"So uh..damn man this shit is tight.

Rent to me, I'm just sayin." 

"You already know I was going to offer you first dibs.

I mean I know you like the place you have and all.”  Devin trailed off.

"Nigga please!"

That place is aight but this here is da shit.

Where do I sign?"

Laughing, Devin told him he already had all the paper work over at his place.

They went back to Devin's place and shared a few beers, and looked over the documents.

"Damn man, this shit looks all official."

Nodding Devin told him that it was.

"See man, I had to do it the legal way to protect myself."  Devin said.

"Yeah man I feel you on that."

Devin ran down all of the terms and agreements to him.

"Now, because you’re my boy I won’t charge you a deposit or the first and last month’s rent." 

"This shit is right on time!

Marko clapped his hands with enthusiasm.

My lease ends at the end of this month." 

“So, does mine man.

Well, Kandii’s shall I say.”  I think that I made the right decision.  

"This is what I'm going to do Devin.

I'm going to pay for the first year up front is that cool?”

"Hell yeah that’s cool man."  Devin grinned.

The extra income would come in handy.


I like to do it that way because a nigga gets forgetful.

Know what I'm sayin?"

“I do,” Devin agreed.

"It’s like anything can happen in life Devin

Like say your changing jobs or something. 

Then when its rent time you find yourself assed out.

 I always say if you got it, then pay it.

I was never on that rent a center shit,

Besides that the niggas be taxing.”

"Yeah I couldn’t stand that about Kandii." 

"You know all that furniture is rented?"  Devin shook his head and sighed.

"Naw?  You got to be kidding me."

"Not at all, I told her that it would come back to bite her in the ass.

You already know how that conversation went down.

That shit is like three grand a month man.”

Marko started choking on his Heineken. 

"You playin right?"

He looked at Devin and sat down his beer.

"By the time all the utilities were paid, and the food was bought.


Now add in the rentals.

I felt fucked man.  Like I worked for free.  Kandii just does not understand the value of a dollar.  I am tired of living above my means, hell I am just tired in general Marko.

Marko shook his head. “That's living foul man.

That a damn mortgage payment right there!"

“That’s what I been telling her ass.

I got tired of investing my money into bullshit.

Therefore, I decided to do me.

I have been thinking about this shit for like six months man.

I was not trying to be that sneaky dude.

It’s just every time I tried to talk to her or, tell her what was on my mind shed blow me off.

It is all in your "imagination" she would say.

Well fuck that!”

“This right here.  He gestured with his beer.

This is my reality.

Marko you know I tried right?

It ain't even like I don’t love her.

She don’t respect me, I can’t do it anymore." 

Marko picked up his beer and looked at Devin.

"Is this it?  He asked.

I mean are you talking divorce man?"

Devin leaned back against the wall.

"Yeah I filed and everything.  This shit is serious.”

Marko suddenly jumped up.


What about alimony and all that other shit man?

Is she gonna get half of what you got?”

"Not if I can help it.

 See, I bought this place right after I filed.

We don’t have any property in common.

The apartment is in her name.

Remember I moved in with her.

The Nissan Altima is hers.  I been payed that off.

From where I'm standing I'm feeling pretty good."

Devin sagged against the wall.

“I Guess I need to make this divorce legit. 

Hire an attorney.”

"Da fuck?"

Marko started to scratch his head. 

“You said you filed man.”

"Yea, I filed Marko. 

That is all I did.

I still need more help.  This is a procedure.

Just because you file does not really mean much.

We have to go to court.  Hell, she still needs to be served.”

"Welp, serve the trick."

Uh in the meantime can we get to gettin?

We got things to do man.”

Devin cracked up.   “I don’t even know why we’re friends.”

Marko burped.

“Yea you do!”

Copyright © 2013


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