Chapter 51

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Kandii leaned against Nita.  Her head, nested into the crook of her shoulder and her overly sweet perfume was nauseating.  Feeling somewhat unsure of what to do or say next, Kandii decided to put some space between them.

"I'm serious Kandii, if I can’t speak openly and freely to you, then how are we friends?  A friendship requires communication, kinda like a marriage does."

The corners of Nita's lips tugged up into a smile, one that she quickly tried to wipe off her face.

This shit was annoying.  What she really wanted to do was cuss Kandii's ass out, possibly slap her and then leave but no!  Nita, always had to do things the elaborate way.

Nita looked at Kandii and she looked back at her.  Puffy solemn eyes filled with apprehension and confusion.  Nita almost felt sorry for her.  Almost.  

The thing that really and truly pissed her off was that Kandii really didn't know why she was upset.  They had been friends for umpteen years and still...Kandii just did not get it.  Maybe it was the fact that she was a self-centered whore that contributed to this dilemma.

All Nita knew is that she had shit on her way to many times.  It wouldn't happen again, she couldn't allow it.  So be it if she had to seek just a tad bit of revenge.  After all...Kandii deserved it.

"Anyway girl, it’s getting late.  Why don't you go shower and put on something nice.  I want you to come to this party with me."

Kandii balked at the thought of a party, the last time she had went out, shit didn't go so good and she definitely didn't need a repeat of that night.  Hell, her eye still hurt a little.

"I think I'll pass Nita," She fake yawned.

"I have to get up early tomorrow anyway, maybe next time."

"Oh, your finally back to work?  Girl I'm surprised that they haven't fired your ass, as much time as you've taken off recently.'  Nita laughed.

"How do you know how much time I've taken off?" Kandii asked.  You been watching me or something?"  She looked at Nita with a sour expression.

"I don't have to watch you girl.  I just noticed that your car is always here, that's all."  Damn Kandii, you really are too fucking sensitive.  So about the party. Please say you'll come.  I miss hanging out with you."


Just amazing Kandii thought.  She buttered her up and within 2.5 seconds slammed her down again.  Nita is really pushing this party on me, she wondered why.

"Who's party is it Nita?"

Suddenly Nita began to fidget.  "Its's yea." She trailed off.

“Before you say anything hear me out okay?  I know your feeling like fuck a Devin right now but..truth be told, he asked me to invite you."

Nita bit her bottom lip and prayed that her lie worked.

"Wow. Really?  Well... why?"

Kandii couldn't help but to feel excited.  Devin wanted her there.  Her Devin.  As much as she hated him right now, she loved him more.

"He didn't say girl.  I ran into him the other day and he was like I'm having this little get together.  He specifically asked me to tell you about it."  Nita nodded her head once.

"I said... well Devin... I'll see if she’s interested but I can’t promise anything.  He seemed hurt at the thought of you not making it though girl."

Everything that Nita had just said was lost upon Kandii.  Her mind had went elsewhere at the mere mention of his name.  Nita had to of been fucking with her right?   She did try to call Devin once.  Okay she was lying to herself.  She had called him at least fifteen times.  She never left a message though.  The number she called went straight to an automated voice mail anyway.  It was probably no longer his number.

She couldn't help it though.  Every time she picked up her phone, she scrolled down to his name.  His contact picture was a snap shot of him and her kissing.  A selfie that she had taken of them, when things between them were good and Sharon was...elsewhere.

"Why Nita?

 Did he say why he wanted me to come?

 What’s the party for?"  She peppered questions at Nita.

"I think it has something to do with his business, he mentioned reeling in his biggest client yet.  Girl he was so damn excited!"  It was cute the way he went on and on about it."  Nita flashed a smile at Kandii.

"And his...Kandii closed her eyes tight.  Wife...?”

"Oh, no worries she’s out of town.

 You think... common girl!" Nita giggled.

"I bet..I just bet that he’s going to tell you that he made a mistake.  He's probably got something special planned for you.  You know he’s kinda romantic."

A blush crept up Kandii's face.  What if... what if Devin did want her?  Sure Nita had been a bitch lately but she wouldn't play her like this.  This was her man they were talking about.  Kandii made her decision right then and there.  She was going to that party!

"I'll go."

"Give me a bit of time to get ready OK?  I'll try to be quick."

For the first time since Nita had got there, Kandii smiled.  

Nita popped another piece of cheese into her mouth.  Like taking candy from a baby, she thought.

"Take all the time you need girl."



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