Chapter 60

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After that night that Devin had gone out and ran into Marko, things had not been the same.  Sharon was still giving him the cold shoulder.  She even went as far as to insinuate that he "Might have tried to rape her."

He pretty much stayed in his office working.  What else was there for him to do?  Sharon was barely speaking to him.  Lana the live in Nanny was still in his fucking house.

He had replayed that night in his mind repeatedly.  Seeing Marko out of the blue.  Marko giving him money.  It was all still so strange to him.  Devin didn't really believe in coincidences.  Things happened for a reason and there was a reason that Marko just so happened to show up at the same bar he was in, minutes after he had arrived.

He leaned back in his leather chair.  Something was going on.  He could feel it.  Before he could replay that night, again he was interrupted by a harsh knock at the door.

"Devin I have to go out, I need you to watch the baby."

This was news to him.  He had barely seen his own child in a week.  Where was the Jamaican troll at?  Did she have to take toll at a bridge or some shit?

He powered down his Pc and got up.  He pulled the door and leaned against the the frame.  He wasn't letting her in his office.  Fuck that.  This was his space.  She had already taken over the house. She replaced almost all of the furniture and covered every available surface with some form of a knick-knack.  He hated it.

He glared at her.

"Where’s the black Mrs. Doubtfire?"

Sharon popped out her hip and held onto the outer doorframe.  "You know I hate it when you talk about her."  She drew her lips downwards.

"You hate allot of things Sharon but that didn't answer my question.

 Where is the Jamaican jerk?"

"She has the day off OK!  Can you please just watch him Devin?  I have a business dinner tonight.  I can’t reschedule so don't even ask me."

He rubbed his chin thoughtfully.  "Take him with you then.  I'm busy."

Sharon gasped.  "Really Devin?  You won’t watch your own fucking child? Now I've heard everything", she said as she threw up her hands.

"Need anything else…Wife?  That is if you remember that you are in fact my WIFE. Where the hell do you think you’re going in that little ass dress?  Who goes to "Business" meeting's half naked?"  He made air quotation marks.

She was wearing a tiny blue dress. Tiny!  It barely covered the tops of her thighs.  No, he was not feeling it.

"Devin," she sighed his name. That was another thing that had been bothering him.  

She use to say "Devin!" or baby, hell even Daddy.  Now it was ugh…Devin.  Like it pissed her off to speak his name.

"I'm not half naked and I do have a blazer that goes with it."  She held up a short jacket for him to see.  He had not noticed it.  Well he did notice it but he assumed it was a scarf.  It was fucking lace.  

He snorted.

"That's a blazer?"

 I thought it was a headscarf.  Or something equally as tiny as the dress you got on bitch. He wanted to scream out.

"Yesssssssss!  Now…please stop.  The baby is in his nursery.  I have to go."

"Wait!"  He called out before she rounded the hallway.

 "Who are you going to dinner with Sharon?"

"The Mayor and his Wife." She called out over her shoulder.  "I'll see you later Devin."

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