Chapter 31

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"Damn bitch will you hurry up!"

"Shut the fuck up Kandii, you know damn well I can’t walk fast in these stilettos."

Kandii eye balled her cousin.  She hated the way she dressed.  Tonight they had agreed to go out to dinner with TT's friends. In her usual ghetto fashion, TT was a sight to see.  She had on a lime green latex cat suit that chris crossed in the back.  The holes that were strategically placed were stretched to hell and back.  To make it worse her cellulite was pucking out of the holes.  If that was not enough, she had to fuck around and throw on a neon green wig.

"Who exactly are we meeting here anyway?"

"Whew hold on bitch; let's sit down for a minute I need to catch my breath."

They had trudged across the huge parking lot and had finally, reached the entrance to Mario's pasta house.

"Whatever.” Kandii said as she sucked her teeth.

"Scoot over!  Bitch damn!"

"You know what Kandii?  Your ass is always throwing shade.  Don't think that I don't see what you’re doing.”

"Here we go."  

“What is it that I’m doing now?”  Kandii asked as she lit a Newport.

"Gimmie one bitch."  TT snatched the cigarette from Kandii.  

"You callin me fat.  All the damn time. I just want to know this; did you not know that your ass is just as fat?  Real talk cuzzo!  You might be smaller than me but at the end of the day your still a fat bitch too.”

"What the fuck TT?  I ain't never called you fat.”

"Bitch you a lie!"

“I heard yo ol gossiping ass on the phone today.  Mhmmm.  Bitch I got ears, ain’t nothing wrong with my hearing Okay!”

"Yea OK, if you so called heard me then what did I say?

 Cause I know I ain't said shit.”

"Word?  That's how you gonna play it huh?  So, you wasn't on the phone telling someone that I looked like Princess Fiona in my cat suit?”

Kandii turned her head and puffed on her port hard.

"Don't get all quiet now."

"I said it... but I was joking... I didn't mean shit TT.  You know you killing that damn fit.”  Kandii lied.


“It's like this.  Maybe you didn't see how you look tonight.  At least my shit fits me.  You got on that tight ass pink dress.  I see that the zipper only goes up half way.  Every time you flip ya damn hair I see that shit.

Looking like you got titties growing out ya back and shit!"

“The fucking seam is ripped on the side to yo!  You got some damn nerve.” TT laughed.

"Wow... was all Kandii could think to say.  It was true her dress was to tight and she did bust the zipper on the back of it.  She had thought it wasn't noticeable with her long hair pulled to the back.

"We cool and all but, you need to stop hating. Ima  bad bitch.”

"You’re right Cuzo.”

“I'm sorry.  It's just... damn you’re so bright and shit.”

"And?  I like some color! Da fuck wrong with that?"


“By the way... You still haven't given me any money.   I'm trying to do right by you and you got the nerve to throw shade?  Maybe, this won’t work out.  I mean if I'm not good enough for you to be out in public with, then maybe you’re not good enough to live with me.”

"Fuck TT, why you always gotta go there huh?"

"I'm just saying."

Both women sat in silence.  Kandii was trying to think of a way to smooth things over.  She needed TT and could not afford to be put out.  (LITERALLY.)  

TT, on the other hand really didn't give two shits what Kandii thought.  She was just waiting on her to pawn her last piece of jewelry.  Her wedding ring.  Kandii had given her allot of money already.  

"Dumb ass.”  TT thought to herself.

She didn't even pay rent! Weave, weed and snacks is what she was after. It wasn't her fault that her saditty cousin had fallen onto hard times.  Maybe if the hoe were nicer she would not tax her so hard.

At least that's what she told herself.

"I don't want to argue."  

Can we just go in and have a nice meal?”

"Hold on let me call these niggas."

"Mookie where y'all at? Damn nigga, tell that muthafucka to hurry up shit!”

Kandii watched as TT dropped her phone into her purse.

"Uh did you say Mookie?"

"MMhmmm gurl, Mookie and Trone supposed to be our dates an shit.  Trones ol corny ass got them lost tho.   Mookie talkin bout give them fifteen minutes."

“1 armed Mookie from around the way?"

"Yea why?"

TT tried to cross her legs.

"He got 1 arm... and you said Trone?  No teeth having Trone?"

"Yesssssssssssssss that's who I'm talking about."

"Really bitch?

Out of all the niggas in D.C.  You choose them.

"Uh huh."  

TT said as she held up her hand and pointed her long nail in Kandii's face.  

“They got money.  Who cares if they all kinds of fucked up.”

"Ain't you hungry?"


"Then shut the hell up.  I ain't got money for dinner.”

Kandii was going to say something but re considered it.

"Fuck it,” she thought.  It’s just dinner.  How bad could it be?

 Copyright © 2013


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