Chapter 25

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Sharon prepped for the meeting with Kandii and Nita.  She wasn't nervous but her morale was low.

"Ms. Paid, Mrs. Williams and Mrs. James are here."

"Thank you Allison please send them in."

A few moments later, the duo burst into her office.  She stood to greet them.

"Afternoon ladies."

"Mmmhmm yea whatever." Kandii rolled her eyes and sat.

"Hey girl how’s it going?"

"It's going.” Sharon answered Nita.

"Look can we just get to it?  I got a hair and nail appointment to make.”  Kandii sucked her teeth.

"Of course."

Sharon started to feel less bad for Kandii.  Her lackadaisical attitude would make giving her the news easy. She opened her file and begun to read.

"You will not be getting any alimony." Or any monies from Devin.  The town house you can stay in for as long as you wish. He has agreed to let you keep the car and all of the jewelry he bought you."  

“Including your wedding rings.  All shared credit cards minus the Master card are to be handled by you.”

"Wait a fucking minute!"  

“What the fuck are you telling me?”

Kandii glared at Sharon, her face was scrunched up and her nostrils were flaring.

"I'm telling you the terms of this divorce.”  Sharon said calmly.

Nita sat quiet as a church mouse.  She kept shifting her head to Kandii, she hoped like hell she didn't have to stop a fight. 

"Okay so basically I don't get shit?"

"In other words... yes."

"How is that possible?"  

“Like I fucking paid you a small fortune,” she screamed.

“I gave your stupid ass all of my money!”

"Fucking bitch!  Do your goddam job!"

"I did do my job.”  Sharon said with heat.

The fact is you two did not have any communal property.  The car he let you keep, the jewelry he let you keep.  All, of the credit card debt is on you.  He can prove it.  He has all of the statements.

Sharon paused and looked at her file. "He actually said that you were a shop aholic.”

The Master card he will pay, since he used that for his business.  I am sorry Kandii this is the best deal that I could work out.

"Muthafucker!" Kandii got up out her seat and leaned across Sharon's desk.

"This aint no fucking deal!"

“What kind of lawyer did you get me Nita?”  Kandii had turned to face her friend.

Y'all whores schemed to get my money!  Some fucking friend you are!

“What’s the matter Nita you mad because James never married your dumb ass?   That's it isn't it!  You are jealous of me.  You set me the fuck up!"

"This is bullshit.”  Sharon said.

She got out of her chair gracefully and walked around the desk. Standing just inches from Kandii.

"Let me break it down to you.  I am sick and tired of you acting a fool.  You are nothing more than a fat ass project roach!  Do you know what happens to roaches?  They get fucking stomped!”  Sharon stomped her foot to make her point.  

"The real deal?

Maybe I should speak in terms that you can understand.  

I'm also fluent in hood rat."

Sharon pointed her finger in Kandii's face.

"You’re a suck ass wife!"  This is why he left your ass.   You ran up debt for him and like a good puppy, he has been paying for years. He was advised to get alimony from you!

Since you have the potential to earn more than he does.  When he met you, you were working.  He contributed little to the income.  When he did start to bring in a substantial income, it was spent.

By you!"

"The fucking home is a rental and it’s in your name."

"You expect that man to pay for a rental?"  One that he doesn't even live in?  By law, he don't have to pay for it.  Again. This is not a property, which you own.  What more do you want?” 

Kandii stood there shaking.

"Bitch I don't know who the fuck your talking to but you best get ya finger outta my face.

I'm not the one to play with Barbie."

Sharon stayed put.

Kandii leaned forward and slapped her across her cheek.

"Do something she screamed!"

“I'll fuck your saditty ass all the way up!”

Nita jumped up and stood between the two.  "Kandii calm down ma."

"Naw bitch don't talk to me.  We not even cool no more.”

Sharon was beyond pissed but this was her office for fuck sakes. Kandii was not worth her losing her job.  

"I think it’s time for you two to leave." She side stepped Kandii.

Walking back to her desk, she hit a button.

"Yes Ms. Paid.?"

"Allison call for security please."

Within moments, two burly men arrived.  Sharon just pointed to Kandii.  She watched in horror as she kicked and screamed all the way out.

"Nita, this was some bullshit for real."

Copyright © 2013


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