Chapter 56

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Devin had went to a sports bar.  He needed a drink.  He needed more than a drink, he just needed to get out of his house and zone out for a bit.  He placed his car keys, phone on the wooden bar, and ordered a rum and coke.  He glanced at the game that was playing on the flat screen TV half heartily.

His phone buzzed and he saw that he had a text from Sharon.  He choose to ignore it.  He would ignore the other half a dozen texts that came in from her also.  Damn his drink was good.  He finished it quickly and ordered another one.

He was lost in thought when someone sat down next to him.  In his own little world.  He had cleaned his mind of Sharon and all of their issues.  Right now, he just wanted to exist.

"Sup Dev."

The glass paused against his lips. He turned his head and there sitting next to him was none other than Marko.

He nodded at him and promptly downed his drink.  

This fucker.  Why was he even here?  Marko had moved out silently months ago.  He didn't even have the decency to pay the rent.  Shit, he might as well never have lived there, that is how little time he had spent there.

Gone was the feeling of brotherhood that Devin had once felt.

'So it's like that huh Dev?  You can't speak or nothing? You don't know me now?"

Devin flagged down the bartender.  Leaving wasn't going to happen.  He was there first.  If he just ignored the asshole, maybe he'd go away.

"Bitch don't kill my vibe." Played in Devin's head.

"I heard you're a daddy now...congrats man, that's what up."

"Dev... common now!  You are like my family man.  Don't do this."

Devin turned his head slightly.  

"What do you expect Marko?  I'm supposed to just be all shit and giggles?  Naw."

"At least let me explain... there's always two sides to a story man."

Devin shrugged and Marko took that, as he wanted him to explain.

"It's like this Dev.  You know how I had been messing with that bitch at the firm right?"  He waited for Devin to show that he was listening.  When Devin didn't say anything Marko sighed and continued.

"Well after I left the firm and shit, I had dabbled in some. Illegal work, to put it mildly but see I'm back on track now and life is good.  I even have all of the money that I owe you."

He pulled out a fat manila envelope and slid it in front of Devin.  "Like I know this won't make a difference but I just wanted to show you that I do care man."

Devin palmed the envelope.  Curious he opened it and counted the money.  Who walks around with thousands of dollars?  In an envelope.

"Marko, how are you walking around with all of that money?  Shits not even safe."

"I been holding it, I just figured I'd run into you one day..."

"So, you been holding it?  Nigga!  I know you know where I live."  

"Obviously you do, he mumbled."

Devin's speech was slightly slurred.  He was tipsy as hell.  One more drink might just do him in.  Why not?  He waved the bartender to him again and ordered his Fourth rum and coke.

"Nigga?  Marko laughed.  

Oh shit Dev your drunk!  Everyone knows that your Uncle Tom ass don't say (nigga).  Well... not really," he laughed again.

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