Chapter 26

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 Nita had been trying to get in contact with Kandii for two weeks.  

"This is some bullshit,” she yelled.  As she once again got her voice mail.

 Unbeknownst to Kandii, Nita was parked outside her home.  

"Fuck a ticket,” she mumbled as she slammed her car door.

Her new Jordan's barely made a sound as she entered the building. Once into the elevator Nita checked herself out in the glass mirror. Satisfied that her scarf was secure atop her head.  She smiled at her reflection.

Kandii was in the kitchen packing up the last of the small dishware when she heard a loud bang.  

"What in the hell?”

Walking from the kitchen to the living room the banging was noticeably louder.

"Who the fuck is banging on my goddamn door like the po liceeeeeeeeeeee,” she dragged out. Not waiting for an answer, she flung the door wide open.

 Not in her wildest dreams did she expect to see Nita standing there.

"We need to talk.”  Nita said as she rudely shoved Kandii to the side.

"Come right the fuck on in why don't ya."

Nita stood in the middle of the living room looking all kinds of pissed. Kandii took in her wrapped head, her baggy sweats and crisp sneakers.  

"Bitch I know you ain’t come to my house to fight?"

"If that happens then it just does.

I came here to talk to you but you been getting hype lately.”  Nita rolled her shoulders.

“I'm not the scary bitch type; remember that shit if you even think to swing on me.

 Tell me, why you have been avoiding me?

I have not done shit to you but be your friend.”

"My friend huh?  Is that what they call it now a days?”

"What the fuck does that mean Kandii?"

She was so mad that she was pacing from side to side.

"It means that you’re a fake ass friend.

 You deliberately set me up with that no skill (I cannot win a simple case) bitch.

 I thought we were better than that?”

“I really did give that whore, all of my fucking money and for what?

 Look around you!"

Nita's pacing did not stop buy her eyes worked over time as she took in the near empty rooms.

"This is my fault then? She casually asked.  

I did this to you?

Me? Your best friend of fifteen years.

La'Nita Charmaine Jergens did this shit?"

If that is what you have been telling yourself then you are crazy.”

Nita made a show of opening her purse.  Digging around, she finally looked over towards Kandii.

"My bad boo I don't have any crazy meds in here."

"Just don't talk to me, okay bitch."  Kandii spat.

“You can leave and go have a (meeting) with your saditty little friend.  That way both of you, bum bitches can talk about me.  So, there... I'm glad to know that I will have made yawl’s day relevant.”

 Kandii strutted to the door and opened it quickly.

 She even struck a pose against the frame.

"Beat it bitch! I got thangs to do.”

Nita thought about breaking the bitches jaw.

"You know what girl? it’s all good.

I wouldn't want to impose on you any longer.” She said as she switched her ass to the door.  

“Obviously, you have allot to do around here.

 Nita tilted her head to the side.   One more thing.

I heard that Haagen Dazs is having a sale.” she smirked.

"Maybe ur fat ass can stock up on some chunky monkey!" Nita laughed loudly as she passed through the door.

She ignored Kandii's glassy eyes.

Without another word, she made her way out of the building.

She snatched the seventy-five dollar parking ticket off her windshield.

“Fucking prick!”  She yelled to the meter man that was a stone’s throw away.

“I should come over there and slap the white off you.”

 He turned around and smiled slowly as he saluted her with his middle finger.

 Copyright © 2013


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