Chapter 62

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Sharon walked into the kitchen and sat her Chanel briefcase onto the kitchen island.  She noticed that the coffee pot was full. 

Dammit, he was awake.

She put on her most seductive voice and called him.  

"Devin baby I'm home!  Did you hear me daddy I said I was home,” she purred.

She shrugged when he didn't come into the kitchen right away.  She helped herself to a cup of coffee and had just taken a sip when he crashed into the kitchen like a bull.

"Where…the…fuck…have you been you BITCH?"  Devin screamed.  

He stomped over to her and ripped the coffee mug out of her hands so hard that the hot liquid splashed against her dress.  Fuck her dress. She should not have been wearing it anyway.

"Devin are you crazy?”  Sharon yelped as she reached for a paper tower to blot the hot coffee.  

“This is a goddamn Versace dress!  You have no idea how much it cost me."  Sharon was fuming.

"Shut the fuck up Sharon and tell me why you have been poisoning my son!  You better tell me something before I stick my foot down your fucking mouth."

"What are you talking about?  Dj is fine Devin."

"He’s not fine Sharon.  I had to take him to the hospital because he seemed so off to me and I wanted to be sure that he wasn't sick.  He is not sick but the Doctors told me that he had an unusually high dose of cough medicine in his system.  

Meaning... someone has been giving him nighttime cough medicine to keep him sleeping.  So you tell me dear Wife, who did it?  You or that bitch of a Nanny. I swear to God I will kill you both over my son.

I know you think that I'm just some laid back ass dude.  I don't trip easily and I stay back in the cut but Sharon you’re going to make me turn straight niggarish on you.  I can guarantee you that you won’t be able to handle that side of me."

Devin sucked in a big gulp of air as his hands shook.  He had never wanted to hit someone so bad in his whole life.  It did not help that Sharon seemed unfazed by his threats.

"Oh really Devin?  

Did you forget what I do for a living?  I would make sure that your black ass did at least a year behind bars.  What would happen to little Dj then huh? He wouldn't have a daddy!  So, I suggest that you back the fuck up out of my face…calm down and tell me what the Doctor said exactly.”

 Devin's already fisted hands got tighter.  "I'm sure you would do some shit like Sharon.  

Everyone knows what a sneaky cunt you are.  Shit is he even my son Sharon?  He looks nothing like me."

If he was not mistaken he saw fear flash before her eyes.  She covered it up quickly but he still saw it.  What was she hiding?  He got a sinking feeling.  His stomach clenched and roared.  

"Is he your son?"

"Fuck you Devin, how dare you ask me that?  After everything that I have been through to be with you.  As hard as I fought for you!  For us!  This is how you repay me?"

She cocked her hip the side an spread her feet apart a bit.  She leaned forward so that she was directly in his face.


"You’re lucky that a…what did you call me Devin?  Oh, that's right she laughed.

"A sneaky cunt like me" even gave your wack ass the time of day.  If I wouldn't of scooped you up and fixed you, then you'd still be with fucking beach whale of an ex-wife.  You'd still be picking skittles out of her belly button and feeding them to her ratchet ass.  So if anything I did you a favor!"  She mushed her index finger against his forehead.

"Sharon...he said her name between clenched teeth.  


"Or what?"  She asked.

"Tell me or what?  You will hit me Devin.

She laughed.  I'd like to see you try."

She opened her palm and mushed him in his head.  This time the force of it made his head snap back.  

"Oh you don't like that Devin?"

"I'm not fucking playing.  Touch me again and I’ll...just stop okay."  Devin took a deep breath and tried to find a happy place.  This bitch was really pushing him too far. 

"Mmm yea OK."

"Look Devin, I really don't have the time nor the energy to stand here and argue with you.  I need to take a shower.  In case, you forget. You spilled coffee all over my fucking dress!"  She huffed.

"What about the baby Sharon?

 You still didn't answer my questions?"

He got the feeling that she started a fight with him just to distract him from the real issue.  Their son.  Any Parent would be mortified to learn that their child had been deliberately hurt.  He was suspicious as hell of her.

"What Devin?"

She sighed heavily.  "He’s fine now right?  It was probably just an accident.  Besides, you know how Hospitals always try to make things sound more serious.  I'll check in on him before I head out."

"The Hospital called C.P.S Sharon.  This is serious!  They are even sending out a worker sometime this week.  I won’t let you sweep this under the rug.  If you know something, I need you to tell me.  This is our son were talking about.  Not a stray Dog."

"Oh Please, for god sake's stop over reacting.  Lana will be back tomorrow afternoon.  He will be fine Devin.  She squeezed his arm in a reassuring way.  This all is just one big misunderstanding.  

I am an Attorney Devin.  The County wants none of me. Trust me everything will be ok."

She tilted her face upwards.

Did she really expect him to kiss her?

Devin was shocked when she flicked her tongue out across his bottom lip.  

"Want to go play in the shower?  It will be fun baby. Just like how we use to do before the baby was born."

Devin shook his head.  So many thoughts were running through his head.  One of them being that this woman that he married was a complete nut job.

"I'ma go check on the baby."

She sighed.  "So you don't want to fuck?  I'm talking dirty. Hot. Wet... steamy bathroom sex Devin."  She let out a small moan that would normally entice him.

Shaking his head again, he side stepped around her and left the kitchen.



What could Sharon be hiding?  

Should Devin leave her?

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Yes, I do have a reason for wanting to know... I have plans!  Grins




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