Chapter 39

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Kandii had just pulled into her driveway, when she saw Nita out of her review window.


"I can’t even get into the garage and this bitch is here,” She huffed.

She grabbed her bags off the passenger seat and got out of the car.  Irritated she stood there and waited for Nita to cross the street.

"Hey you!"

"Yeah, what’s up Nita?"

"Damn it’s like that,” Nita said as she rolled her eyes.

"Look I have something important to tell you and you’ll need to be sitting down."

"Okay then."  Kandii said.  Walking to her front the door.

Once they were both inside, Kandii excused herself to put away her shopping bags.  When she came out of her bedroom, she saw that Nita had made herself comfortable on her couch.

"Couch is nice girl."

"This place looks totally different now that you have decorated."

 "Yea I had to hook it up, bitch couldn't be sitting on crates forever you feel me?"

"Mmhmm.  So. Look... I have bad news; you might need to get a drink.”

"Huh?"  Kandii said as she made her way to the kitchen.

She opened the fridge and called out, “All I have is watermelon wine coolers."  

“You want?”

"Yea girl."

"So what’s up?"  Kandii asked as she cracked the bottle and took a sip.

Nita sighed.

"Girl I don't even know how to say this shit to you."

"Do how you always do.  Kandii joked.

Just say the shit."

"Sharon's pregnant."

"And?  Why do I care,” Kandii said.

"It's Devin's."

Kandii let the wine cooler slip out of her hand.

"Come again?"

"She’s having Devin's baby."

Kandii stood up and started to laugh.  

"Ha, bitch you are so funny!"  

“I could have sworn, that you just said my ex-husband is having a baby."

Nita brought her wine cooler to her lips and drained it.

"Yea,” She said softly.

"This ain't a joke bitch?"

Nita shook her head.

"Wha... “  Kandii didn't finish her sentence.  

She slid down to the floor slowly and clung onto the side of her couch.

"Without me Nita?"

"He..he's... really having a baby?"

"I'm so sorry boo... I didn't want you to hear it.

Fuck, I don't know.  I just wanted you to know...” Nita trailed off.

"Ima KILL that nigga!"

Kandii punched the couch.

"You know the guy I been seeing Nita."

"The one you won’t tell me nothing about?"  Nita said.



"We been talking... Just on the phone... mostly."  


Kandii wiped her eyes.  “We were finally gonna hook up. Dinner, movies, sex..."


"Shhh, I know I know."  Kandii said as she held up a finger.

"You need to understand the he was my husband and I loved that man.  I know I get crazy and shit and yea maybe I wasn't a good wife but I love him."

"I mean I even been sitting back while he... got rid of Sharon, but now I see."

"He fucked me over."

"I was the bitch that was supposed to have his babies!


Nita shook her head.  "Now what are you going to do?"

"I am going to fuck him up,” Kandii tapped the side of her head.

"Just like he did me."

"How girl?

I mean don't go doing nothing crazy. I don't wanna bail your ass outta jail. Again."

Kandii zoned out.  Her chest was on fire and her eyes were burning from the salty tears that continued to fall against her wishes.  Nothing had hurt her this bad.  Not even when he left.

She pulled herself up off the ground.

"I got this Nita."

"Thanks for telling me,” she said quietly.

"Let yourself out and make sure you lock the door okay."

Nita stood and walked around the coffee table to hug Kandii.

"It will be OK, somehow this will be okay. Just hang in there ok boo?"

"Uh huh... yea."

Kandii stepped back out of the embrace and smiled.

"It’s all love. Right?"

 Copyright © 2013


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