Chapter 57

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Kandii hovered over the painters.  She was sure that she was getting on their nerves but she wanted to make sure that everything was just right.  She had even found a local artist that was willing to paint a small mural above the space that she had picked out for the crib.  

"Are you guys sure that I can’t do anything to help?"  She asked for the tenth time.  She was being a pest but she did not care. This room just had to be perfect.

"No Ma'am were fine, one of the painters answered."

"Ya'll sure?  Well how about something to drink?

I have soda and iced tea…maybe some coffee?"

"Lady, please. You are making me nervous.  Why don't you go rest and just let us work?  Give us an hour tops and we’ll be outta your hair."

Kandii might have been offended but this was an elderly man, besides that he was giving her a warm smile.

"My Martha was just like you when she was expecting, he chuckled.  Couldn't get anything done with her nit picking."

His grandson, who happened to be the other painter, gave him a warning glare.  "Gramps…don't make her mad."

"She’s not mad Bobby, are you Miss?

Tell him you're just pregnant!" He snickered as his grandson looked on; a blush crept up his face.

Kandii giggled.  "Hey I was just trying to be helpful but since you don't need my help, I'll be heading to the kitchen.  I have a slice of apple pie that's calling my name."

"Pie huh, Bill said.  Got some ice cream too?  I could use some pie", he said as he stood up.  Is it homemade?  Those are the best ya know."

He ran his fingers through his snow-white hair.

"It sure is, I made it last night but I like my pies chilled so it’s been in the refrigerator."  Kandii smiled at him.

"If you want I could heat you up a slice, that is if you prefer it warm."

"No, no... Now don't go and do that.  There ain't too many people that like chilled pie. This is a treat!"

"Common now Bobby, get your arse up.  

Kandii giggled.  The little Irish man was funny!  He was so blunt and filled with wit.  She liked him instantly from the moment she had called and heard his friendly voice.  Even on the phone, he was filled with humor.  He was not the kind of man to mince words and she appreciated that.

She felt bad for his grandson though, he on the other hand did not seem to appreciate the old man’s ways.  She knew that with time, he would come around.  He was young still.

Kandii cut them each a generous slice of pie and put a double scoop of vanilla bean ice cream in a separate bowl for them.  The spent the next twenty minutes eating and chatting as if they were old friends.  It all seemed so normal to her.  Like a scene from a movie.

"That was tasty!"

Bill had said after he finished his second piece.

His grandson shyly agreed.  Kandii was just about to clear the dishes when Bill stopped her.

"Let Bobby do that.  Bobby you can do that right?"

Bobby nodded yes, quickly went about gathering up the dishes, and carefully rinsed each one before he stacked them in the dishwasher.

Kandii was impressed.

The men soon left her kitchen and when back to the nursery to finish up.  She could not wait!  She promised not just herself but Bill too, that she would not go in there.  Not until everything was done.  She busied herself in the kitchen by prepping a pot of coffee.  She would have a cup of tea but she was certain that coffee would do the trick for the old man.

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